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To the Ones I Love

Dedicated to the ones
I absolutely love:

you are more cherished
than you could ever
imagine or think
by me and the all the
people who read
these proverbs of the heart

To the Ones I Hate

Dedicated to ones
I hate:

you might not know it
but some of these are
about you, but that doesn't
mean that I haven't moved
on from your relationships
because I have

To Ones Who Don't Know Me

Dedicated to the ones
who read this:

you have given this
worn heart, more support
and love then I
could ever imagine and
hope for, so
thank you

To the Ones Who I Will Meet

Dedicated to the ones
who will trip and fall:

whether we stumble
on each other's feet
while dancing and step
on people's shoes
just never forget to
dance in the rain


    •Hello lovelies and welcome to When the Rain Spoke! This is the first organized poem book I've ever written so I hope you enjoy it!
    Chapters come out on Fridays and Tuesdays weekly if you didn't see that on my message board. As for how many chapters, I'd say at least around 15, maybe more, maybe less. Depends on how I'm feeling

Any questions or suggestions can be asked here ➡️

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When the Rain SpokeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon