𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘦𝘯

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"The castle town!" Asta awed.

Stallia's eyes glowed in excitment. She'd never been and even if she had, she wouldn't have enough money to buy anything.

»»————- ♔ ————-««

Asta's scream echoed through the entire town. His eyes sparkled in amazement. Noelle rolled her eyes before looking at the girl besides her.

Stallia wore black shorts with a long sleeved shirt. Her long black socks almost reached her knees and she wore white shoes. Noelle smiled as she realized her friend shared the same excitment.

Stallia tried to conceal her bright smile by biting her lower lip. She was practically jumping in place when they first arrived and now skipped lightly when they walked to the different booths.

The girl cursed herself as she quickly hooked arms with Noelle when people started talking about them.

She wouldn't let them deter her happiness.

The three followed Vanessa as she led them towards a more narrow and dark part of town.

"Here, come here," Vanessa suddenly disappeared before beckoning the three with her hand. Her body stuck out from a wall, making the three tilt their heads.

When the three followed after her, a new alleyway opened up. People behind the shops wore suspicious cloaks, covering their face.

"It's the black market," Vanessa smile, waving at the people, "It's a teensy bit dangerous, but they've got some super effective stuff here."

She laughed at Noelle's surprised face, "Oh surprised? Royals and nobles won't come near this place, out of prejudice-"

She cut herself off as Stallia stopped at a booth. Her eyes lit up.

"Interested in something, Lia-chan!?" Vanessa went behind her and leaned her chin on her head. The girl pointed to the sparkling bracelet that laid on the clothed table.

"It's pretty," She simply said.

"Want it?" The older girl smiled, before checking the small sign below the jewelry. Her smile only grew.

"This'll be perfect for you, Stallia," She commented, making the girl look down in question.

'Magic Repressing Items'

"Repressing my magic?" She curiously looked towards Vanessa, "Won't that make me weaker?"

The witch laughed lightly, before ruffling the younger's hair.

"You'll take it off when you fight and go on missions, but when your in public, it'll help your mana waves," She simplified, "Even at the base, I could feel your mana from miles away," She snickered when Stallia's face grew red.

"Really?" She whined quietly in embarrassment. She nodded, "Ok, I'll get it!"

She placed a few coins in the old lady's hand, before carefully grabbing the bracelet.

"And while we're on the topic...Noelle! If you find an item that's suited to you and adjust your magic, you might be able to control it!" Vanessa cheered and Noelle's eyes brightened the littlest bit.

"Like it?" Stallia smiled at the two before turning to Asta who helped her put the bracelet on. He nodded eagerly.

"It's perfect!" He yelled a little to loud. She hid her smile before hitting him in the head with her fist.

"You're too loud, you idiot!"

He smiled widely before he grabbed her hand and ran off to another stand.

"Well, well. What are you two doing in a place like this?" A familiar voice rang out where Vanessa and Noelle stood, "It's no place for ladies like you. Did you get lost? I'm a elite magic knight! I'll escort you!"

"Vanish, insect," Noelle tossed her hair behind her with an eye roll, as Vanessa yawned. The boy, Sekke, froze in place.

"Hey, hey, look what I got!!" Asta suddenly broke the tension by charging at the nobles. He held up a disfigured doll that leaned on the cute side.

"Don't tell me you actually bought that?" Noelle snickered. Stallia walked besides him and held up a similar one with a bright smile.

"Huh, you're.....It's Sekke!!" Asta suddenly exclaimed, looking at the blonde boy.

"Har! Har!"

"Who is he?" Vanessa blinked.

"He went to the entrance exam with us," Stallia grimaced.

Sekke caught her eyes and smirked. He grasped her hand and bent down to place a kiss on it before she smacked it away, once again.

"Still no, Sekke," She smiled sarcastically at him and he grew tense as the two women he was once hitting on, glared harshly at him.

"Going gambling with the ladies even though your a peasant? If you've got that much spare time, shouldn't you be doing odd jobs and earning points?" He looked away and attempted to shoot Asta down.

Oh! Hey, listen! On my first mission, I got a star from the wizard King!!" His attempts didn't work and the ash-haired boy merely continued his cheery demeanor.

"Hn, that not bad. I just received my second star-" It was an obvious lie.

"THEIF!" A sudden voice screamed out and a gust a wind flew over the two.

"In front of magic knights," Noelle narrowed her eyes, as Asta took of running.

"I'll handle this, young ladies. Just take it easy and wait for me!" Sekke winked and used his magic to take off on a bronze motorcycle. The three cringed in disgust.

While the two took care of the fighting and capturing the criminal, Stallia's eyes darted to every place in the alley until they fell upon an old woman in distress.

The 'victim'. That's what she thought before the woman was replaced by a blonde-haired male, just like the entrance exam. He caught her eyes and looked away in a panic, continuing his innocent lady act.

Stallia walked towards him, before her eyes directed towards Sekke who dramatically fell to the floor.

By the time they got over to the scene, Sekke's eyes were half-lidded and Asta's face was completely serious as he screamed motivational things.

"Don't you dare give up, you idiot!!"

Stallia covered her mouth with her hand to prevent herself from bursting out in laughter. The thief's mana wasn't strong, so there wasn't any possible way he was in danger.

"There's no way you'd die from this," Vanessa bent down to the floor and gave Sekke some medicine, "It's a temporary numbing cream, so it's fade in a bit with this ointment."

The look on his face was enough to break Noelle's stoic face and break Stallia's smile. The two girls burst into giggles, as the boy popped up with a sigh and blush of embarrassment.

"Until we meet again, Asta, Stallia!" He jogged away, not looking at their faces.

"Bye, Har!!" Asta waved, as Stallia grabbed the bag of coins from the ground.

"You won all this from gambling!? That's amazing, Grandma! Don't let anyone take this again," Asta rambled to the 'old lady'. Stallia gave her the bag silently and the royal smiled at her, her eyes traveling to the bracelet on her wrist.

If this girl was wearing a repressor, her mana shouldn't have been strong enough to see through my disguise.

At the same time, Stallia had a similar confusion.

If this 'woman' was a royal, he should've had enough mana to protect himself.

"Thank you, magic knights!" The old lady waved as the four strutted away.

"Magic Negation, Hmm? I've never seen that kind of magic before. He's a pretty interesting kid," The old lady took off her disguise and revealed the blonde-haired man with the red cape, "And the girl...? I thought my disguise was stronger this time!" He whined.

The Holy Child | Black CloverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang