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The weather had gone from a charming, sunny afternoon to a stormy, beautiful mess in a matter of minutes. Thunder clapped though the air after massive lightning bolts greeted the surface. A whistle could be heard in the cool air as the grey clouds eclipsed the bright sun. The raindrops hitting a parked black ship, stationed on a steady surface, were that of two beams colliding with one another.

Meanwhile inside the ship, a mother was making sure her small children would not go out without protection. "Right," Rey stated as she slipped a small poncho onto Han's small body. "You both be nice and please mind your manners." She looked towards her husband who was trying his best not to show his annoyance and anger in front of his children. "No matter what daddy says, or how he acts, I need both of you to be on your best behavior. We are visitors here, got it?"

"Uh-huh." Both children exclaimed as the anticipation of visiting a new planet, a planet they had only heard in stories, became real as more time passed.

"Are you ready?" Rey asked nudging Ben's arm. "Ben? I can do this on my own if you want me to."

Ben's eyes had closed and the nostalgia of destroying anything in front of him when his temper flared, crept up throughout his being. If only he could disappear for a second and break something. "No," he said as he began to regret why they were there in the first place. "Let's get this done quickly and get out of here."

"Mom should be finished by now. Shall we?" Rey asked as she pressed a button to lower the ramp. "Okay, loves, remember what I said."

With the ramp fully lowered, Han and Jade ran outside to enjoy the rain. They both extended their arms, wanting to feel the cool droplets in their small hands. "This is where you trained, mommy?" Han asked enthusiastically.

Rey held Ben's hand in hers, encouraging her husband to relax, "Not entirely but I did start here." Rey sighed happily and breathed in the scent of rain. "Ahch-To." She whispered in delight. Once again, the young empress nudged her husband, only this time in a more playful manner. She lifted their entwined hands and kissed the back of Ben's hand. Rey felt Ben squeeze her hand and images of their first talk in the hut came through in their bond.

Rey was a wet mess the night Ben had sensed her in his room. He had been contemplating that day's events, particularly Snoke's taunts on his weakness. For a good part, Ben had been pacing his quarters and when he had settled down on a chair, he immediately sensed Rey. The moment he looked up, there she was, sitting across from him. The dark-haired man recalled how vulnerable his then enemy was with him, and Ben welcomed it without hesitation. Ben had been somewhat smitten already during Starkiller base, but when he and Rey had their first conversation without animosity, his feelings began churning into a confused mess.

Ben was not supposed to have such emotions for the enemy but the connection he felt with Rey allured him. The tall man had no idea of what the outcome would be when Rey held her hand out to him, but curiosity got the best of him and it was then, they saw each other's possibilities with one touch. "And look at the result." Ben smiled as he looked upon his and Rey's children play in the rain. Though soon the smile was gone when he sensed him approaching. "Stay with me?"

Rey ran her free hand along Ben's arm, "Always."

Through the darkness, a somewhat tall figure emerged from the rain. Soon, a grey haired man locked eyes with Ben, but before anyone could say anything, the man felt a tug on his cloak. "Hello." The twins greeted the legend man.

"Hello, I'm Han Oliver Solo." The young boy stated as he stretched his hand out.

The young girl next to him mirrored her brother. "I am Jade Olivia Solo."

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