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Ben ran as fast as he could, yet still attempting to catch the blaster Hux threw in his direction. "I don't think I have used a blaster in years."

Hux managed to scurry behind a damp wall, pulling his emperor behind him for safety. "Really? How disappointing given your parentage, sir."

Ben grunted as quietly as he could, not wanting to be discovered after he and Hux were able to take out the few guards stationed by the prison cells. "I took more after my mother's side what with the Jedi thing and all." Just then, another guard located them behind the wall, prompting Ben to blast him without looking. Hux gave him a satisfied expression; Ben shrugged in response. "Sometimes a bit of my father slips out. Let's go!"

After countless of session with their captors, Hux and Ben were able to somewhat piece together the floorplan of the place. However, they had no idea what planet they were in, and so their plan was to send a signal to any Elysium troops near, if there were any. "Sir," Hux made his way to a window. "Snow. A planet covered in snow, that narrows it down."

Ben lifted his eyebrow as he agreed with Hux's sarcastic remark. The galaxy had far too many similar planet environments that it was hard to tell where one was if one were to crash land. "Should we slow down, sir?" Ben gave Hux a questioning look. "You're bleeding from one of your wounds."

"I have bled worse than this." Ben looked around the quiet area and noticed at the far right was the start of a corridor. "Continue." Ben led the way. "And general," he began, "next time you feel the need to concern yourself with my injuries, concern yourself with your own. I know I have a few broken bones in me, no question you have some as well."

"I can never get anything pass you, can I?"

"Not even when you hated me."

At the end of the corridor, the duo found a locked door. Hux opened the panel, but not before the two flattened themselves between the wall in case there was anything on the other side. Once it was cleared, they moved carefully, but with haste, between objects. Using the force, Ben opened another door on the upstairs area; two men in red uniforms stepped out utterly confused. Not long after, Ben pulled them down towards him and Hux, knocking the two men unconscious.

"I fear the day the twins are able to do that." Hux laughed as they made their way up.

Ben inspected the open room and motioned Hux to follow. "The way they are going, it will just be a matter of that a communicator?"

Hux stepped inside the room, blaster ready to shoot, and made his way towards a nav computer. Ben kept a look out while Hux worked on punching their coordinates out into the galaxy. "You will never guess where we are."

"Some gutter planet?"

Hux quickly finished his duty and the duo moved to the next phase in their plan, finding an exit. Luckily for the pair, they found an open window. The two tall men squeezed themselves through, landing on a rail out in the open air. The cool breeze felt like daggers on their skin, especially on their open wounds. During their month in captivity, their clothing had become tattered, and the lining was almost nonexistent. They made their way down a ladder and soon found themselves on another rail.

"We just need to go in that direction, sir. It won't be too long before they come for us...we're on Miren."

Ben stopped his tracks and looked behind towards Hux. "Miren? Why would they keep their base on the same planet we have ours?"

"To better spy on you!" a voice echoed through the heavy snow. "You really think you could leave before saying goodbye?"

Ben smirked. "Aziel, I would think twice before getting in my way."

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