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The sound of a heart monitor was heard as Ben began to awake. His eyes were close, but he could feel the wave of cold air hit his skin along with a soft kiss on his temple. "I thought you left." Ben stated as he opened his eyes with a yawn.

"Are you kidding me?" Rey smiled down at him in a hush tone. She placed her caf on the pristine end table and gently sat on the edge of the bed. "We are not going anywhere and besides, they insisted on staying." Tucked between either arm, were Han and Jade, sleeping peacefully next to their father. "How are you feeling?"

Ben politely smiled at Rey. "Like a child. I am not used to receiving this much care after sustaining injuries." Ben carefully raised his left arm to run his fingers through Rey's loose brown strands. He deeply sighed as he played with the tips. "Can I go home?"

Rey kissed Ben's wrist, sweetly smiled at him and with a firm, yet caring tone, simply stated, "Of course you can't, my love. We need you one hundred percent well before you get out of here."

"That's not fair." Ben scoffed. "Hux left two days ago. Why can't I?"

"Because." Rey whispered as Han stirred. "Hux was somewhat in a better condition than you, and not to mention, he didn't rip out his monitors declaring he was done being wounded."

Ben could only roll his eyes in response as he placed his arm back next to Han's small frame. "Kiss ass."

Rey ignored Ben's comment as she pecked him on the lips. "Don't be a baby." She kissed him again. "I have enough with our children." Kissed him again. "I have to get some work done." Another kiss. "I'll be sitting over there while you rest some more." She kissed him again.

"I've been resting." Ben responded as Rey made her way towards a small table in the room.

Rey sat down on the red sofa and proceeded to review some important documents on her data pad. "I don't care." She said in a sing along tone.

The dark-haired man felt defeated. While he did like the idea of resting after the event he had endured, Ben thought a week and a half was enough and was presently wasting time. As they arrived on Chandrila, Ben and Hux were immediately taken to a MedCenter. Hux was treated for his blaster wound along with a twisted ankle, a slight concussion, a slit on his torso, one that required stitching, and some minor scrapes and bruises. Hux was lucky compared to Ben's broken rib, collapsed lung, head injury, gashes on his torso, shoulder, upper right arm, and the only one that required stitching was another gash on his back and of course, some minor scrapes and bruises as well.

Though he was on the same planet as his children, Leia thought it best for Ben to rest for two days before taking Jade and Han to see their father. Rey stayed with him, despite Ben's insistence of her going home. Only Ben's doctor was given the real story on how such injuries had occurred while the rest of the MedCenter staff was giving a bogus story on how Ben and Hux had trained too hard. No one questioned the story as no one knew exactly how Jedi trained. In Hux's instance, for the sake of Jade and Han, his story was one where he wanted to be a Jedi like his leader.

It was Hux who first surfaced this ruse when the twins paid him a visit, demanding why he and their father were gone for far too long and why on earth were they injured extensively. The twins laughed at their uncle's misfortune stating how you can only become a Jedi if the force wills it, while claiming if Hux was ever in need of protecting, they would gladly protect their uncle by any means.

"Daddy, you're awake!" Jade chimed as she knelt on the bed.

Han soon followed with sleep in his eyes. "You should keep resting, daddy."

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