"I guess it does," 




Soon they arrived at the USJ, Eli standing beside Shouta as she stared with wide eyes around her. Shouta could've sworn the wind itself grew excited as it rushed around her. 

He chose to address that later. 

A hero in a spacesuit came, explaining the usage of the USJ, and Eli heard Midoriya marveling at the hero. She even heard him mumble about all the things the hero could do. 

'He's def a stan' Eli found herself thinking. 

"Pfft," she let out a small chuckle, having to pretend she was paying attention to something else as Midoriya looked at her with curious eyes before an embarrassed blush came to his cheeks. Mezo, who stood behind her found himself also trying not to laugh. 

Eli just smiled at Midoriya lightly, but that just made him blush further. 

You know, they say a lot of things can happen during small interactions like this. Of course, Eli being a writer perfectly understood how wrong things could go in such little time, and given her upbringing...

But honestly, she never expected a fucking purple portal to pop up and people who looked perfectly capable of murder began to pop out in the 3 seconds that she simply looked at Midoriya. 

"Woah, they even got fake villains," Kirishima said, flashing a sharp toothy grin. 

Eli winced, the once childish whispers now sounding older and more frantic. She clutched the side of her head, the voices basically leaving a ringing in her ears. 

"Bad! Something bad, hide, fight!" they urged in her ear, but she wasn't even too sure if that's what was being said, all the voices and sounds overlapping, all the chaos in her ears leaving her hands shaking and her stomach-turning. 

"That's a lot of things, and fake ain't one of them," Eli said, taking a step back with wide eyes. 

Her fingers seemed to still, and she found her eyes blazing as her body shifted gears. 

"ELI!" she heard her name called loudly making her turn abruptly to look at Shouta. 

"Protect the kids, stay with Thirteen," he said with a nod, and Eli felt herself square her shoulders as she nodded in clear understanding. 

Now in his head, this was the last thing he wanted to do. Eli wasn't a Pro and had virtually only been there for roughly 3 days, but Shouta knew if anything she'd be fine. She'd never fought against anyone with a Quirk, that she knew, but he had the (now healed) broken ribs from the other day to prove that if anything, she packed a punch. 

Shouta looked at her for no more than a couple of seconds, a unique understanding in both of their eyes. The unique understanding of a dangerous situation that only provides a couple of different options, none that are ideal. 

And so, Shouta wasted no time in jumping from the large platform of stairs, off to defeat the villains below. 

'Protect the kids huh?' Eli thought. 

She flared her wings out, covering a good portion of the students with her long wingspan. 

Just as Ren taught her, her eyes darted around, and sure enough, she found the same portal from before appearing behind them, and she wasted no time in whisking her way through the panicking crowd of students to shield them once more. 

Unfortunately, she didn't make it in time because Bakugo and Kirishima had already decided to attack the weird portal, metal thing. 

"Don't-" Eli tried to scream, but she was cut off by the cocky laughter of what she assumed to be the misty guy, even if she couldn't see his mouth. 

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