(Chapter 14) Da★Ze

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Time check its telling what time in gensokyo right now
"Yo" : Dialogue
*Yo* : Action
Yo : thoughts


(2:00 Pm Sunday)

Reimu : "What book are you reading right now?"

Y/N : "Oh it's about Fire Manipulation this time"

Reimu : "Just how many books that Patchouli gave you?"

Y/N : "It's about five or seven books"

Reimu : "I see. And you reading it all?"

Y/N : "Yes. Sometimes im repeating it"

Reimu : "Aren't you bored of reading books?"

Y/N : "I don't have anything to do so this is what im doing daily or sometimes"

Reimu : "I see"

Then Marisa came and then i immediately hide the book in my bag

Marisa : "Yo ze!"

Y/N : "What do you need?"

Marisa : "Well im just here to ask you a favor"

Y/N : "I hope it's not a plan stealing books from Patchouli-Sensei"

Marisa : "Like i said! it's not stealing! It's borrowing!"

Y/N : "Then what do you need me for?"

Marisa : "Patchouli said this once to me. You can use elements right? Like Water, Fire, Earth and other things right?"

Y/N : "Yeah that's true. What about them?"

Marisa : "Well im just hoping that you can help me on something like your water spell and your fire spell ze"

Y/N : "I'll help you but please don't touch my bag"

Marisa : "Got it ze!"

Y/N : "Im gonna head to the village first then im come in there okay?"

Marisa : "Alrighty! See you in there!"

Then Marisa fly away

Reimu : "Are you about that?"

Y/N : "Yes and i want to help after all"

Reimu : "Then see you next time"

Y/N : "Yeah"

After that i leave the shrine and head to the village and buy some Yakisoba and i head to the shrine again and give the Yakisoba to Reimu and then went to Marisa's house

(Timeskip) (2:30 Pm Sunday) 

Marisa : "I've been waiting for you ze!"

Y/N : "Just tell me what to do"

Marisa : "Im just gonna need some water source from you"

Y/N : "Oh you little..."

Marisa : "Come on! Magic water it's i need in this experient!"

Y/N : "Alright fine..."

(Little Timeskip)

Y/N : "I see... So how did you know the ingredients of this potion?"

Marisa : "I borrow some books to Alice and Patchouli"

Y/N : "Borrow..." *Sigh* "When are you gonna stop 'borrowing' some books to them?"

Marisa : "Stop? Of course im not gonna stop ze"

Y/N : "You know what? Im gonna return those book later"

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