(Chapter 13) The Hakurei Shrine

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Time check its telling what time in gensokyo right now
"Yo" : Dialogue
*Yo* : Action
Yo : thoughts


(6:00 Am Sunday)

Y/N : "I can't sleep"

Yep you hear me right... I can't sleep. Because i was scared to go in the hakurei Shrine

Y/N : "What Reimu gonna ask me..."


Y/N : "Nah i hope she won't ask that... Or maybe i should practice the spells that i've been learn! Yeah!"

Then i got ready and leave the inn and head to the outside of the Human Village

Guard2 : "Be careful kid"

Y/N : "Thanks"

Im outside of the human village right now

Y/N : "Alright where's the book... Hah! Found it!"

I grab the Book Of Manupulation Of Gravity Part One to review the book.

Y/N : "What page did i read that one... Right page 256"

Page 256 - How to control the gravity No.50

Y/N : "Alright How to control the gravity No.50... control your air stepping and learn about attacks... This is gonna be hard..."

Then i started learning about the Gravity spell again cause i might need this if Reimu's gonna attack me or test me on something...

(Timeskip) (10:00 Am Sunday)

Reimu's POV

I heard something noises in distance

Reimu : "Now who's that?"

Then i saw a large rock being thrown

Reimu : "What is this? Another incident?"

Then i saw Marisa came by

Marisa : "Yo ze!"

Reimu : "What do you need?"

Marisa : "You saw large rock?"

Reimu : "Of course i did"

Marisa : "You think some Youkai doing that? ze"

Reimu : *Sigh* "I don't know"

Marisa : "Shall we check it?"

Reimu : "Hey i just woke up okay? So im not gonna go in there!"

Marisa : "We are just gonna check it!"

Reimu : *Sigh* "Again. No!"

Marisa : "Come on!"

Reimu : "Fine! But if this is another incident. You are the one who gonna solve it got it?"

Marisa : "Heh. Of course ze!"

Reimu : "Then let's go in there"

Then we head to the place where is the noise coming from and the large rock being thrown

Marisa : "Who do you think is the culprit?"

Reimu : "Do you think i know it?"

Marisa : "Jeez..."

Then after some of flying we saw a man standing in there with lot of rocks floating near to him

Reimu : "So you are the one you cause that noises and a large rock being thrown huh?"

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