Lunch Tray Disaster

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A/N: this book is very dark. I'm not being offensive to anyone, chill it's just a Phanfiction. Also about 2 boys so yeah, I ship it and if you don't just don't read okay thanks.

Dans POV

"Just look down and forget about them all. Forget the bullies, forget the hateful words, forget the world." I whispered to myself looking at my tray as I was walking up to dump it in the trash. When someone got up right in front of me and I tripped over them and fell on the floor. "Goddamnit" I say under my breath and look up to see the most popular boy in school underneath me staring into my eyes, his name was Phil Lester. I was the loser Dan Howell, who was called gay every single day. But I was just a emo geek who had a really homo brown fringe. His friends looked at me like I just banged him on the cafeteria floor and I knew the bullies would just get worse now because most of them were his friends. He said "Don't worry" but I didn't care. I just burst into a million tears and he was still under me and there was food all over my clothes. Everyone laughed at us, well me. I got up and ran to the farthest away boys restroom in a sea of my tears and mashed potatoes in my hair along with tons of papers getting thrown at me along the way. I went into the last stall and cried, puked, and cut myself on the toilet paper holder. I didn't mean too at first but it felt so good and I was so done I didn't even care so there were 3 fresh cuts on my wrist After about 15 minutes I heard puking noises, it was an all to familiar sound. I saw red converse in the stall next to me. Then the person opened up my stall and I saw through the tears the crystal blue eyes of Mr. Phil Lester himself.

Phil's POV


"Look it's the goth girl" PJ yelled as Dan 'No Homo' Howell was almost to our table "Nice one, PJ!" I replied and got up and I fell and I looked up and into the eyes of the boy I had just made fun of. I stared into his eyes and saw that he was scared to move or talk. I saw that he was in pain and was afraid of me, I didn't want him to be. And that's why and when I whispered "Don't worry." But he started to cry and I didn't want to ruin my status so I let him run. "Are you okay Philly?" Catherine or Cat as we called her, my girlfriend asked. I wasn't. "Dude you alright?" Chris asked "Yeah I'm fine," I replied to them both we chatted and were dismissed for study hall "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said to them all and I went to the 2nd farthest stall in the farthest away bathroom to go and puke up lunch. I didn't want to I just wanted to be thin and Cat already told me I was getting a bit tubby and should cut down on the food. I gaged myself and it all came out. I felt satisfied and saw that there was another boy in here the stall over. He would know, I could've walked out but decided not to and it sounded like he was crying. I went over to the stall and knocked, and after no reply I thought I knew who it was and I opened the stall to see the one and Dan Howell.

A/N so yeah if you've read this far and all the harm and boyxboy isn't your thing okay I'm fine with it, but please no hate... okay thanks! Have a super duper phantastic day!!!
Ps - Kids In The Dark by All Time Low

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