New smiled as he remembered something that happened a month ago.


"Oh thank god you're back."

Tay's brows furrowed as his Mother in law exhaled deeply. "Mom, is everything okay?"

"New has locked himself in the room ever since he came back from the doctor's appointment. He hasn't come out since." She said. She had come to visit the family to momentarily help Newwith the café.

"And Nanon?" Tay looked around for his son, Nanon. They had him 6 months after their marriage.

She smiled and pointed to the pink room across. "he's asleep now but I reckon he'll wake up soon and New has to feed him but..." She looked towards the couple's room.

"Ah... I better take care of that. Thank you, Mom! We would be a mess without you." Tay gave his mother in Law a grateful smile which received a pat on the chest.

"Of course! I'll gladly come and help you with the kids! You can even give me more!" She teased before walking away towards the first floor of the house, leaving Tay chuckling at his mother-in-law.

They had transferred to a bigger house after they got married - a gift from Tay's parents. New felt hesitant at first but eventually warmed up to the idea when he knew he was pregnant with Nanon and besides their new house was a 15-minute walk from their café.

Tay softly knocked. "Sweetheart, it's me." He heard the quick unlocking of the lock and smiled. He went inside the room and treaded carefully.

"I hate you." New glared at him before focusing his attention on his bulging stomach, caressing it gently.

"That's a lie. If you hate me then you wouldn't have married me." Tay leaned against the wall opposite New and he inwardly chuckled as the younger looked up from his rocking chair and gave him another glare.

Oh how he hates it when Tay just stands there looking like a... a... a god. He was supposed to be anxious but seeing his husband just calmly watching him made his heart flutter. He found it unfair how with just one look, Tay could always make his knees weak which brought them to his current situation now. 'Stupid sex drive.'

"Okay enough. Tell me what's wrong?" Tay firmly asked.

"You're what's wrong!! All of this! I just wanted to spend more time with Nanon, my baby... but I can't even enjoy him while I'm carrying your another child! And I hate that I want to cry all the time... and ah shit! Why weren't you even there?!"

Tay smiled, his deep dimples gracing his cheeks. He has learned how to deal with New's mood swings over the course of his dear husband's pregnancy and although he found it a bit funny, he would never make fun of Hin.

He pushed himself off the wall and started to approach the younger man. New was instantly on his feet, backing away. The younger's warning to 'Stay back' was quickly ignored as Tay continued his advances and back hugged his husband. "Our child, Sweetheart. The one we made sweet love to one birthday evening, remember?"

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