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raccoon city 1998
"I'm so sorry Ariel" A woman with short brown hair says to 18 year old Ariel Petrova.

Ariel cries into the woman's arms "Jill this can't be true no" Ariel yells into her arms.

"It was wesker" Jill reveals.

Ariel backs away "Wesker captain albert wesker" Ariel hiccups.

"he betrayed us he.." Jill covers her mouth.

"Jill what did he do" Ariel adjusts herself so she's more calmer but still sniffling.

"umbrella corporation made these zombies and monsters it was so horrible wesker was with them your father got bit" Jill explains softly.

Ariel shakes her head tearing up "No".

"chris had to shoot him end his suffering" Jill wipes her tears away.

"Your father found out what wesker was up too and threw a zombie at him your father didn't know what to do tried pushing it away but the zombie bit into him" Jill looks down.

"but how this is movie shit" Ariel wipes her own tears away and still crying.

"thats what were trying to figure out if you have anything please Ariel tell me" Jill holds her shoulders.

Two months later
Ariel in the back of a car with a little girl about 10 and around 14 year old boy next to her with two older women in the front on the passenger side a younger girl and an older woman in her 40's driving.

"mom watch out" Ariel points to a dark figure on the road. The woman screams swerving over a bridge and driving into the water.

Time skip
"Ariel can you hear me" A man voice says in concern as ariel's vision is blurry but sees a bunch of figures surrounding her and the ceiling moving.

"barry" Ariel coughs out.

"Ariel your going to be okay" barry reassures.

"where's my mom" Ariel whispers before everything goes black.

"Ariel Ariel" Barry yells as she's getting taken away.

Time skip
Ariel wakes up in a hospital bed. "hey" Jill smiles.

"What happened" Ariel asks looking around.

"your mom saw a zombie on the road and she crashed into the water" Jill holds her hand.

"it spread" Ariel asks in concern.

"The whole city is falling apart" Jill sighs. "But listen I need to tell you something" Jill gulps.

"what now" Ariel sighs.

Jill sighs then opens her mouth then stops herself "I don't know how to tell you this but in the crash your mom drowned trying to save your britney and peter".

"what about nina" Ariel asks slowly.

"they all made it except for your mom" Jill tightens her grip.

"how did this all happen jill" Ariel starts to cry.

Jill sighs "Umbrella"

"we have to stop umbrella once and for all" Ariel sobs.

September 28, 1998
"Jill wake up" Ariel shakes a sleeping jill on her desk.

Jill jumps up "oh my god ariel hey" Jill breathes heavily.

"sorry just couldn't sleep" Ariel looks outside.

"my bed is to bad listen were moving very soon I-" Jill starts to explains but gets cut off by Ariel.

"No its the outside" Ariel sighs "raccoon city is falling apart".

"Three more days and were out of here" Jill smiles.

"good because let me tell you something I'm so-" Ariel gets interupted by getting pushed back.

"what the" Jill yells to reveal a hole in the wall and a huge tall figure covered in leather.

Ariel grabs Jill's gun and shoots the monster before grabbing her making Ariel scream. The monster slams down Ariel "ah".

five years later 2003
Its been five years since I left raccoon city with Jill. It was a tough road. We both got infected by the T virus by the nemesis according to umbrella. This man Carlos luckily saved us from it. Jill and I killed nemesis 20 times. Then left as raccoon city blew up. I've been in contact with everyone my sisters my brother jill barry and chris. Since raccon city people have been trying to do the same. Umbrella left a mark. Speaking of umbrella they fell apart the government cut them off and umbrella was done for. Its a sweet feeling but their still work to do. We have to take down more bio weapons for my family all the damage done. More like Wesker. He destroyed my family.Thats why I decided to become an agent. I joined so I can make the world just a little bit more safer. Since this isn't the bsaa I'm alone I don't know anyone so They partned me up with Leon Kennedy Survivor of raccon city heard he's a living legend. Well He's not the only living legend of Raccoon city now.

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