So Jun ran for the tree line, straight into smoke blob that was waiting for him. 

-------- ------- --------- -------- -------- -------- --------- -------- 

The teen stumbled with disorientation the moment he set foot in the bar. He wasn't sure he'd ever get used to that mode of transport. 

More and more villains were appearing around him, return from a mission the success of which was undetermined. Jun thought back to his encounter with Eraserhead like it didn't happen less than 5 minutes ago. 

He felt incredibly tired at just the thought of it. Jun thanked his lucky stars that it wasn't the real Dabi that heard all that bullying stuff. He did wonder how Eraserhead made the connection with half his face covered by a mask, then he got said mask caught on his horns while trying to take it off. 

Of course it was his damn horns. It was so easy to forget they were there. Maybe he wouldn't hate them so much if his mom had them too, but since she didn't they always just seemed like something given to him by a man who's name he didn't even know. An unwelcome gift. 

All that brooding made his head hurt, and only drove him up the stairs faster. The moment he opened his door and saw the comfortable room, which now had a real bedframe now, not just a mattress on the floor, he just collapsed. 

His mind was kinda foggy but Jun was decently sure he was sleeping on a pile of his clothes and not the bed, but it didn't really matter. He was too tired to think. 

------- -------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- 

When Jun woke up he was disoriented but at least he wasn't on the verge of passing out. With a groan he propped himself up, realizing that yes, he was indeed in a pile of laundry. He groaned but the sound hurt his throat. 

'Water' He thought, suddenly realizing he was incredibly dehydrated. A headache pounded behind his eyes as he stumbled to his feet. Pink. It was pink everywhere

Jun fell backwards in shock, thumping loudly into the wall and slipping back into a sitting position. Suddenly, Toga's head appeared in the doorway. She grimaced and stepped over the pile of clothes that were now damp with electric pink blood. 

"You've been cut open somewhere." She said, helping him to his feet. Jun flinched when she touched his shoulder, and Toga's hand came back covered in the neon substance. "Your shoulder apparently.". 

"It doesn't hurt. I need some water first." Jun croaked, stumbling his way into the hallway and down the stairs. He'd deal with his clothes getting ruined later. He was still dressed in his outfit from the attack. Silently Jun thanked his past self for picking black as the main colour, and for making it sleeveless. 

He reached the kitchen in a thirst driven haze, drinking at least 2 full glasses before stopping to breath. 'Is this a quirk thing?' He wondered, staring at the halfway finished third glass as he gasped for air.  He had used quite a bit of the stuff last night, and it did need water to be produced. Maybe that was it. 

"I was prepared for a freak show, but who the fuck are you?" A voice growled from the other side of the room. Jun looked over and nearly drowned. Right. The kidnapping operation. Somehow he went through all the planning of this thing without realizing that this meant there would be an actual person involved. 

"Well hello to you too." Jun replied, saying whatever came to mind. "So, you thinking of joining us?". 

"Why are you all so desperate for me to help you? Your little league is weaker than you think if you need me to pull all the weight." The blonde kid-not a kid. He was the same age as Jun. It was weird to remember things like that these days. He spent too much time around adults these days, not including Dabi and Toga of course. 

"They're not weak." Jun smirked, "They've got me.". He made his way over to the bar counter and sat on the stool right next to where Katsuki (Jun couldn't remember his last name) was restrained. 

"Then you're not strong enough! Maybe they're looking for a teenager to replace you?!" Katsuki shouted, a devilish smirk on his face. Jun was sure he felt his left eye twitch. He leaned his head down on the bar and stared up at Katsuki, watching his expression closely as Jun's slime flew right for his throat. He didn't squeeze enough to hurt him, just enough to give the brain an adrenaline rush. 

"If you keep talking like that I will kill you." Jun said, anger seeping through into his tone. "They aren't replacing me.". There was something-petulant about the way he was talking. Katsuki thought it sounded like he was pouting, but he was too busy panicking about how much this reminded him of the sludge monster. 


Yeah so Bakugou may or may not have a lot of trauma brought up by Jun's quirk. 

Its too similar to the sludge monster, and you can't tell me Bakugou didn't develop ptsd after that. 

He may still be an option for the love interest, but that whole situation is going to be complicated and is actually going to involve 2 people and one is going to be the U.A traitor sooo 👀👀👀

Stay Tuned! 

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