𝓈𝓅𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑔𝓊𝓉𝓈 𝑜𝓇 𝒻𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑔𝓊𝓉𝓈

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Calum Hood(bass player in 5SOS) has recently been rumored to have broken up with long term Girlfriend Lorena Castillo (singer/songwriter) .

Castillo and Hood had been together for a year and a half before Lorena was seen kissing another female on Instagram. Many fans were shocked and saddened by this discovery.

Although neither one of them has come out and said that they are no longer together we believe everyone can take the hints.

Just yesterday Calum was seen with a Female getting all snuggled up and comfortable together in public. Seen with them was Calum's bandmate Ashton Irwin.

We all think that he is moving along just fine after seeing Lorena's new girl. What do you guys think?

" Oh shit Lorena," Julia said while looking down at my phone. I just looked at my phone and there's nothing I can say. There's so much I want to say but physically I can't. I just started shaking my head as I closed my phone. "Of course something he does is going to ruin today, are you shitting me?" I told Julia as she was finishing up my hair. ''Just ignore it so what if he moved on so have you and technically you did first lo." She said while spraying my hair ,with hair spray . I mean she's not wrong but it still hurts to see.

"Okay we are done just go get dressed and ill call the uber right now babe." I nodded and walked into the bathroom to get dressed.

This is her makeup ,hair, and outfit.

This is her makeup ,hair, and outfit

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As I walked out I saw the vanity lights were off so I walked straight to her living room

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As I walked out I saw the vanity lights were off so I walked straight to her living room. As I walked in I saw Kian. "hi kiki.'' I said slowly while walking toward him. I hadn't seen him since everything that happened at Jc's that day. I know that he heard what I told jc which is why I'm scared to talk to him right now. But his reaction was completely opposite of what I was expecting. He got up and ran to give me a hug. "Hi Lolo" Kian said while squeezing me tightly in his arms.

"Okay Kiki calm down don't fuck up my look bud." I told him while patting his back. He immediately put me down and we both started laughing. "Well damn look at you my wife fixed you right up Whew." I started laughing harder while hitting his shoulder. "Thank you Kiki, where's Julia we got to go we're almost late." As soon as i fished Julia walked out from her room. "Oh SHIT you look good as fuck you sure kina treats you right I'm right here babyy." I told her while walking toward her. As I was about to hug her Kian pushed me out the way. "No the fuck I'm right here back off Lorena." Kian said while hugging Julia. I just shook my head and started walking toward the door. " Okay I'll let y'all have a moment I'll see you later Kian." As I walked out the door I looked into my purse for a cigarette knowing I needed one really bad.

As I finished the cigarette Julia walked outside letting me know the uber was minutes away. I simply nodded and put the bud out and pulled out perfume and resprayed myself. As I put it away the uber pulled up and we were off to my day full of interviews.

2 Interviews in the 3rd one.

I'm so tired. I just want a burger and to watch a good movie but I still have 2 more interviews to do. I'm currently outside just having a smoke break waiting for them to call me back inside to start the next interview.

"Okay Lorena they are ready for you and remember to answer what you want and as truthfully as you want." my manager Kirsty told me while leading me inside the building. I just nodded although she couldn't see me.

So far the day has been good. I hadn't gotten any questions about my love life so that's good I guess. Now I'm here with James Corden and we are going to do "spill your guts or fill your guts". "Oh by the way James is not here so you're going to do the segment with Harry Styles he's also going to interview you a bit after." Julia tells me as I sit in my dressing room. " WAIT DEADASS'' I asked her if it didn't hit what she said till I replayed her words in my head. Julia just nodded her head while laughing at me. Then I was suddenly called to the stage.

"Welcome everyone to spill your guts or fill your guts, I'm here today with Lorena Castillo." The whole crowd cheers as I sit at the round table. "Hi everyone, I am actually so excited for this Harry." I told them as we were about to start. '' Well I'm not so lets get started." He then went through and started naming all the food on the table.

"Alright so we are going to start with the 1,000 year old eggnog." Harry said while clapping his hands together excitedly to ask me a question. "Give it a sniff!" He said with his accent fully being heard. I did and immediately regretted it.

"So, Lorena, your first question is," he dramatically pulled out a question card and then smirked at you, "So you know many different boy bands and ex boy band members name these boy bands from best to worse: One Direction,Prettymuch,5 Seconds of summer, Cnco." As he finished his question my jaw dropped. There was no way I could rank them, they all were my good friends, but I also didn't want to drink that disgusting thing.

I was taking time weighing down my options then decided to just answer it, "Okay, I'll say, 5seconds of summer, One D, PrettyMuch CNCO! Only because i never talk to the Pretty Much boys or Cnco anymore that much But they all have amazing music swear"

"Ok, you got saved this time!" "Now my turn, hmm I choose the cod sperm," I said laughing seeing him look terrified. "So, Harry, which songs in your album are about Kendall Jenner?" I smirked.

He then took a fork digging into it , then again he tried to answer, "uh- I'll say track..ugh nevermind," then he threw a piece of the cod sperm in his mouth. I gasped and clapped my hands over my mouth as soon as I saw what he had done. The whole crowd was yelling as well. "Ew Harold, just swallow it already!" I yelled looking at him in disgust. He just looked up at me with a death glare and he went to grab the bucket. He then looked to the crowd and said "To spit or to swallow that is the real question".

''Okay i'll give you the salmon smoothie lo." Harold said while rolling out to be in front of me. "Ooo okay you are close to 5 Seconds of summer in your opinion whos the most to least-" I cut him off before he was able to finish his sentence I took a big gulp of the smoothie. Not even making a face, I actually like salmon. "Talented well, I guess that answers us" Harry says with a laugh.

" Okay this is the last question for you, i will give you the water scorpion." I told Harry while spinning the table to him and grabbing the card to ask the question. As I look at the question I feel uncomfortable. I don't wanna say it but i have to. "Between Louis, Liam ,Niall ,and Zayn rank their solo-" Harry cuts me off by just grabbing the scorpion and taking a bite out of it.

"Okay so last question I'll give you the bull penis. So you have been rumored to be seeing someone, you can say their name or say the name of your next single." As Harry finishes his question I start thinking. Do I want to say his name or possibly get in trouble with my manager. Well fuck it. " My next single is called "Rumor Has it".

It took me so long to write this for absolutely no reason anyway hi.
~ara 😮‍💨💜

𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆~ 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐔𝐌 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora