Part 29 ~ Not again

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MJ: I'm so sorry..
Peter: W-what?
*he said choked up*
MJ: I already have someone Peter. I'm sorry.
Peter: I-It's okay. B-but we can still be f-friends right?
*he says shakily*

MJ just shakes his head and whispers while looking into Peter's eyes

MJ: Sorry. We- we can't meet anymore.

Peter could see that this was hard to say for her too. Peter just stands there and the first tear rolls down his face.

Peter: Can- can you at least tell me wh-who is it?
MJ: Flash.
*she says as she walks away to find the stairs to go off the building*
MJ: Bye Peter. I'm sorry.

And she disappears in the lift leaving Peter on the rooftop alone and broken. As Peter sees her walking on the street under the building, he breaks down.

MJ looks up for the last time and she sees Peter crying. Then she looks down and she hears him crying so it means he cries aloud. She just closes her eyes while a tear falls down from her eyes and starts walking faster.

Peter cried and screamed. He couldn't stop. Tears were constantly streaming down on his face, and his body shook. He started having a panic attack.

He sat there until his panic attack stopped and he didn't cry. He decided to go home, it was late at night. Around midnight he got home.

He didn't think anyone would be awake so he didn't even bother that it can be seen that he cried. But Thor and Pepper were awake, at least Pepper for sure cause she was quietly washing the dishes. Thor was just laying on the couch, while a film was playing but he mostly had his eyes closed.

As he stepped in Thor sat up immediately and Pepper turned around to see who's.

Thor: Hey Pe-ter. Are-are you okay?
Peter: Yea why?
*he smiled as he realized he's looking like shit*
Pepper: Christ Peter. You look so.. down and you're eyes are all red.
Peter: Oh
*he laughed, trying to put on the best smile he could*
Peter: We just laughed- with MJ so much that we both cried. In laughing.
*he said as he walked towards his room*
Pepper: Really? That is so good. I'm happy for y'all.
*she smiled*

Then Peter reached the safeness of his room, and he closed the door and he let it all out again. He was surprised that pepper didn't find out or asked more about it. But maybe he's just too good at acting, being okay.

Weeks later:

Peter was still depressed and that no one realized that he's not okay made him feel even worse. MJ was holding him on life and on everything. She was his everything. And now she's gone and he can't do anything. It just hurt too bad.

So many new red lines appeared on his arm soon and his nightmares were back but he told Friday to not tell it to anyone. Even if it's very bad.

Is this the end? - Peter ParkerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu