"Thank you."

She nodded and jogged back to the room they were in.

"I have to call his mom I have to call her," I cried, searching around the bottom of my purse for my phone.

"Let me do it, I got it. Continue taking deep breaths please," Ashley pleaded.

I dropped my face into my hands and cried uncontrollably. I wanted to be okay, I wanted to feel relief but nothing was helping lean me towards that. I had argued with him today over something so stupid, and he got shot. What if the argument never happened? Why did I just not listen to him?

"His mom is on the way right now, she wants you to get checked in and seen," Ashley said, disconnections the phone.

"I'm fine, I don't need to be seen I need to know he's okay," I replied.

"You're going to be seen, let's go," Ashley snapped pulling me towards the front desk.

I frowned at her and rolled my eyes.

"How can I help you?," the front receptionist asked.

"My friend's partner was just shot she's pregnant and her blood pressure is pretty high can she be checked out?," Ashley asked.

"Of course just fill these out for me and we'll get her back to a room for some vitals," she replied.

Ashley grabbed the paperwork from the receptionist and immediately started filling it out for me. When she was finished I signed the bottom of the pages and handed it back to the receptionist.

A few moments later the same nurse who was working with Omar that had updated me when we first arrived walked out of a set of double doors and came to grab me.

"He's stable. We want to check you out first then you can go see him," she explained guiding me towards a different room.

I plopped down on the hospital bed and crossed my feet and arms to prevent from being too shaky.

"I'm sorry you're having to go through all of this," the nurse sympathized. She pulled a blood pressure cuff and pulse indicator onto my arm and finger while facing back to the monitor.

"I just want to get this over with so I can see him," I replied.

"Blood pressure is a bit high but pulse is good, let's check on the baby and I'll walk you over in a wheelchair so you can rest a bit," she answered.

She placed the Doppler onto my lower abdomen and Ashley grabbed onto my hand firmly. The room suddenly filled with the sound of the baby's heartbeat, like a little galloping horse that was running.

"Perfect heartbeat. 169. Baby sounds just fine mama, let's go."

The nurse wheeled me over to Omar's room which was a few rooms down from where I was. I looked into the room and seen him in a gown with his eyes closed. I wheeled myself to the side of his bed and grabbed his arm while planting a kiss onto his forehead.

"Babygirl," he babbled. His eyes began to slowly open and a small smirk crossed his face.

"Hi baby! Hi!," I exclaimed.

"How are you? How's the baby?," he asked.

"We're both okay."

"Thank god. I was so scared," he replied.

"I was terrified for you, I can't believe this happened," I cried.

"I need you to be strong for me, go get some rest go home with Ashley I don't want you at your apartment anymore," he insisted.

"I got her Omar, I won't let her go back," Ashley replied.

"I love you," he said quietly. He closed his eyes again and I continued to hold onto his hand while crying.

"Go home baby, I'm here with him I won't leave his side," his mom announced from behind us.

She nodded and pulled me into a big hug rubbing my back gently.

"Thank you," I replied.

When I got into Ashley's car I felt my sadness turn to pure rage. I was no longer scared I was pissed. Whoever did this would pay, that was a guarantee.

A/N : Thanks for reading everyone! The novel is almost at 26k reads which means so much to me. Stay tuned. 🤍

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