Hitch's perspective

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Hi author-chan here lol
Thank you to everyone who read the first chapter even tho it was really bad haha
This chapter is on the perspective of hitch btw.

Enjoy my suffering :)

I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to leave him.

He was definitely not responsible enough to be left alone...... even though I know he just wants me to leave.....

I take a deep breath and walk through the open double doors of the police station. Sprout's head jolted up from his desk and he had drool seeping from his slightly open mouth.

It was so obvious he had been sleeping.He then started staring intently at the files in-front of him with part of his hair sticking up, trying to act as if he wasn't sleeping a few seconds ago.

"Cute....."I thought absentmindedly.*

I take out a chair and scrape it to his desk and sit in-front of him. Sprout looks up from the documents and we make eye contact.

" Sprout..." I start,"I have to tell you something..."
" What?" He replies.

I swallow. I know he's going to be delighted but I'd rather not see him happy about me leaving. It feels like it would hurt.

".....I'm leaving......" I eventually say.

Silence. I look down at the floor.

" WHAT?!"He shouts, the chair clattering as he stands up and bangs his fists on the table.**

I flinch and look up at his expression.
Why....? Why is it filled with anger and betrayal?***

I know this is kind of short as well sorry
I don't know if I will write them longer soon, probably not though lol
Thanks for reading

* wtf is this
** this sounds weird lol
*** this also sounds weird idk why I wrote this

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