In Suspended Time - Part 2

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One Year Ago

"Do you want to move in together?". The words were out of Logan's mouth before he has a chance to process them, effectively betraying his true feelings.

Su Ryeon lifts her head from the pillow and rests it on her hand, giving him her full attention.

"I'm still technically married", she evades, lifting the blue sheet of his hotel room bed to cover herself protectively. How can this man talk about a future together, when all they have is stolen moments while climbing the steep mountain of revenge.

"Separated." He grunts. "But I meant after. After we're done with your revenge and punished Ju Dan Tae and his lover. Do you want to start our lives together? We could take your kids to the US with us. They have great music schools". He's only met her kids a few times, and she introduced him as her business partner. She'd shielded them from her revenge, but they're still the biggest part of her life. A part which Logan has fully accepted. She inspects his face as he continues hopefully. "You could open a gallery there, the one you've always dreamed of. And we could be happy. A fresh start, where no one knows us. Together". His eyes sparkle with hope. She has to crush it, sooner or later. A happy ending isn't in her future. Revenge consumes everything.

"Logan, I can't think that far. I can only focus on avenging my daughter right now. I can't be making plans for the future. Who knows how this all ends".

"I'm not expecting anything from you, you don't have to make a commitment you're not ready for." Once again, he's in sync with her. It makes it all the more difficult when they will inevitably part ways. "The only thing I ask is, whatever future you see, am I part of it?"

She doesn't even see a future for herself, how can she be happy with him? Ju Dan Tae will no go down smoothly, she's aware she'll have to pay the ultimate price.

"I hope so", she whispers gravely and kisses the pout forming on his mouth. Without breaking the kiss, she brings her body on top of his, deepening the kiss. Logan sights and his hands come around her, unable and unwilling to resist. She rests her hand on his firm chest, feeling it swell and deflate as his breathing becomes more and more erratic. She loves the effect she has on him, trapping his senses like he captures hers. In this room, there's no impeding doom or imminent danger, there's only them, healing each other with their love. Logan covers her hand with his and she wonders how many nights she has left, before she has to say goodbye and leave his embrace forever.


Present Day


He turns around slowly and gathers himself. Seeing her up close, it's harder. As if the universe is conspiring to torture him, she's even more beautiful and distant.

"Su Ryeon Ssi". She smiles at his inability to drop the honourifics. He'd always call her that, even when they were sharing a bed and a toothbrush.

"What are you doing here?" She asks politely and brings her hands to her lap. After his initial shock, he can appreciate every aspect of her. The pink satin dress resting easily on her curves, the lines of her eyelids, the thin gold chain around her neck, disappearing tantalisingly into her decolletage under the dress. Every part of her sparkles, yet her eyes look lost.

"Business with the Rots. What about you? Helping your husband gain more real estate?" He lets out bitterly.

"He's in business with the family as well, I'm here to assist".

"I don't believe you".


"Don't say my name. Please. Don't", he pleads with a pained expression. "I can't do the whole politeness thing. As if you haven't crushed my heart to pieces just when I asked you to-"

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