The Chip

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It was early in the morning and the paladins of Voltron were training in the training arena like they did every morning during this time. Keith was fighting Lance, Pidge with Hunk and Shiro was on the sidelines observing them, ready to call them out. Usually, Shiro paid attention but this morning he was a bit distracted, so when he finally glanced over at the red and blue paladins sparring session, he was quick on his feet when he saw Keith was inches off from slicing Lance's shoulder with his sword blade.

"Keith!" Shiro hollered, making his way over to the two to stop them. "What are you doing!?" Approaching the two paladins, Keith had placed his sword by his side, not aware of what he had been close to doing moments prior.

"We're just training," Keith stated, a bit offended by the sudden interruption.

"I think it's time to switch up the teams a bit... You almost sliced Lance's shoulder." Shiro explained. Keith gave an eye roll and went to grab some water, ignoring the black paladin's accusations.

"What's his problem?" Lance scoffed, watching Keith as he went over to his stuff by the edge of the training room.

"Just ignore him, you know how he can be," Shiro responded, eyeing Keith silently as well for a moment. The two of them waited for Keith to return; once he came back there was an awkward silence between Keith and Shiro. The team trained for an hour more with the new teams, when Shiro finally decided it was enough for now. "Alright everyone, go rest now and we'll meet again later to talk about improvements from our last mission," Shiro explained, shooing everyone off to get their earned share of rest. 

A few hours later, it was time to talk about the last mission and Lance was the last to enter the team's debriefing room.

"You're late," Shiro muttered. Lance responded with an annoyed glare at Shiro as a thanks for stating the obvious. "Well then, now when we're all here we can talk about improvements based on how our last mission went. Any suggestions?" 

It was proven the last mission the team had been on wasn't very successful because the plan they had failed. Then during the week after the mission, they were attacked by six galra fleets proving they knew where they were at all times.

"Well...Next time we need a better plan?" Lance hesitated. 

Shiro sighed in frustration. "The plan we had was foolproof, there shouldn't have been any problem with it initially. The reason it wasn't foolproof is that we didn't expect there to be backup from the enemies. We never do, and that's an ongoing problem." Lance gave a hurt look back at Shiro and decided not to participate any longer in the discussion. "Any other ideas?" 

Since no one else had any suggestions, they weren't getting anywhere with the debriefing, so Shiro declared the meeting over. "If you have any ideas then feel free to come to talk to me. We are a team guys, we have to work together to figure these things out." Shiro told the team as they walked out. On the way out, Shiro was walking behind Keith back towards the lounge, when suddenly he noticed something strange with the raven walking pattern. "Keith, why are you limping?" 

Keith turned around and gave Shiro a confused look. "I'm not," Keith argued. The raven noticed Shiro continue to give him a weird look but finally, after another few seconds, Keith decided to ignore it and continue walking. Shiro followed him and kept observing Keith as he walked, and sure enough, he continued limping all the way to the lounge.

" Hey guys, come sit down! We were just about to get a movie started while Allura and Hunk are making dinner." Pidge exclaimed as the two of them entered the lounge. 

As Keith was walking over to the sofa it seemed both Pidge and Lance saw something was off with how the red paladin was walking but neither of them decided to say anything about it. Lance just motioned toward Keith's direction and Shiro nodded, affirming he also knew something was weird.

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