Rey nodded in agreement and the whole room stayed silent. That was until Jay spoke up.

"Serg," he said getting everyone's attention. "So, this all started with Rev and Coop getting their heads chopped off and both essentially did the same job for Pulpo, mid-level distribution, right? So, we know Pulpos cleaning house, and what do you when you get rid of old furniture? You gotta bring in something new." He then took a picture of a man from his desk and lifted it up so everyone could see. "This guy stood out. It's Ernesto Milpas. He was running fifteen corners between twenty second and Kedzie when CPD punched him in o-nine."

Antonio took the photo from Jays hand and glanced at it. "Yeah, yeah, yeah I was on that busy with Jules."

"He was released last year."

"He was a climber."

"Maybe he's looking to get promoted," Erin piped up.

"He's the best of a lot of bad options."

"What do we have on him now?" Voight questioned.

"PO's got an address that's a year old."

Without wasting another second everyone stood from their seats as Voight placed the photo of Ernesto Milpas on the board of suspects. Rey picked her blood-stained jumper off of the chair, following Jay and Erin as they exited the Intelligence Unit and headed towards the car.

The car was silent apart from the radio that went off every now and then. Neither of them could comprehend why someone would take an innocent kid, but then again Rey figured it would most likely be the only way to get to someone and get what they wanted.

"I don't know how Antonio's handling all this," Erin spoke from the driver's seat. "If I had a kid snatched up, I would be incoherent."

"If I had a kid snatched up, I'd end up in prison," Rey piped up.

Both Detectives glanced back at her with raised brows before swiftly turning their heads back to the road.

"I used to think that cops under Voight were invincible ... and then Jules died," Erin carried on. "I was holding her hand. As soldiers, how did you guys deal with it?"

Rey kept quiet as she thought back onto her coping methods which she disapproved of while Jay spoke for them.

"Generally, I'd take it out on those who didn't deserve it."

"What about you, Rey?" Erin asked, glancing at her in the review mirror for a mere second before focusing on the road again.

She shook her head.

"Honestly Erin, you don't wanna know."


The three hadn't been sitting in their position long before Voight gave the go ahead to breach the building they'd parked outside of. Rey had her rifle in hand while leading the way with Jay and Erin covering her.

Rey followed Erin as the three of them split off, both of them maneuvering their way through plastic drapes and fabric curtains. Rey's rifle was raised in one hand while the other hand was on the back of Erins vest while she led the way.

It was when her hand was ripped off of Erin that she body swung one-eighty in only a millisecond, only for a bat to connect with her head. The force of it shoved her onto the ground and effectively knocking the wind out of her.

Erin was sitting up first and grabbed her radio from her vest, letting everyone where the man had gone while Rey laid on the ground groaning in pain.

"Suspect is on foot out the southwest side of the Warehouse."

Traumatising Memories // Chicago PDWhere stories live. Discover now