2 - Kidnapped

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season one episode two

Erin and Rey arrived at Jules' house only hours after she had been murdered, both of them not knowing what to say to her kids or husband. The two glanced at each other before Erin knocked on the door and immediately anxiety began building up in Rey's stomach. She had only done this a couple times in her years an officer and each time it did not get any easier.

It was seconds later that the door swing open with both of Jules' kids standing in the doorway.

"Hi Erin, hi Rey," little Emmy greeted.

"Emmy, Liam, hey guys," Erin said while Rey lifted her hand and waved, not saying anything in case she said the wrong thing. "Is your Dad home?"

"Hey Dad! Erin and Rey are here!" Emmy shouted back into the house.

A few moments later Alec appeared in the door, obviously having no clue as to what was going on.

"Yea?" Was the first thing he said.

"Um..." Erin tried getting her words out but nothing would come out.

Erin turned to his kids and leaned down to their level.

"Hey kids, you wanna go inside," he said as he pointed towards the living room.

"I can go with them," Rey suggested.

Alec nodded in response and let her in. She left a distance between her and the kids as walked through the hallway, glancing at all the family photos while she made her way to the living room. She knew she had to somehow tell the kids what had happened to their Mom because she knew too well Alec would be too upset to tell them.

"Hey Rey?" Liam spoke from the couch.

"Yea, Liam."

"What happened to Mommy?"

She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat before making her way in front of the kids, then kneeling down in front of them. She had no clue how to break it to them but knew she had to tell them what happened.

"Look your Mommy got hurt at work, okay?" Rey started with both kids nodding their heads.

"Is Mommy okay?" Emmy asked.

Rey remained silent for a few moments before biting her lip and glancing at the ground, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry guys, but she got really badly hurt. A bad man used a gun and um... Im so sorry guys but she's not coming home."

"So, when is she coming home?" Liam questioned.

It took all her courage to look up at them as her eyes glazed over.

"She's not, guys," the looks on the kids' faces made her stomach churn as they tried to put together what she was saying. "She got too badly hurt and they couldn't save her."

Both kids looked at each other before their lips started quivering. Within seconds they were both bawling their eyes out and all Rey could do was sit up in the couch and embrace them in a tight, reassuring hug.

"It's going to be okay. You guys are so brave."


The Intelligence Unit was as silent as the desert. The only thing that could be heard was the odd stressed breath from one of them trying to find something in the case files, but there was nothing.

Rey still had her blood-stained jumper was sitting on the back of her office chair, a slight stench wafting from it every now and then.

"They took Antonio's son," Voight spoke from the front of the room making Rey look up from her desk. "And they took my own, as far as I'm concerned. Nothing else matter till we get Diego back. Nothing."

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