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A loud beeping is the first thing I hear as my heavy eyelids slowly open, staring blankly at the darkness that surrounds me. Drowsily I sit up, swinging my legs over the edge of my bed; the beeping is getting louder. “Ren get up! The fire alarm is going off for God’s sake!” My roommate, Tara, yells, banging on my bedroom door.

The what? Oh God. The fire alarm. There’s a fire in my apartment building, and I’m sitting on my bed trying to let my eyesight adjust to the darkness. People can be heard in the hallways through my thin walls, and, grunting, I stand up and throw my door open, stopping Tara mid-knock. “Come on!” She yells again, grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me out our front door. 

“Tara why are you dressed?” I ask gruffly, staring at her curly black hair that is tamed into a bun and her clothes that definitely aren’t pajamas. 

“I heard the alarm blaring ten minutes ago,” she snaps at me, turning to face the growing crowd of people at the end of the hall. She briskly walks toward them, whereas I hang back. Tara might be dressed in normal clothes, but I wear a loose t-shirt and thin pajama pants. As much as I want to find out what’s going on and where the hell the fire is, I want to go back inside too. Stepping back to turn my doorknob, I groan loudly when I find it locked, with my key still inside on my dresser. 

Next to me someone clears their throat. Turning quickly, I feel my face heat up when I see who it is. It’s three am and now the cute guy from next door is standing next to me in his underwear.


God please bear with me I'm new at this...

I know this is short but it's just an intro! 

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