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⊹ ָ࣪ ˓˓ ˒˒ ، ˖ ࣪𑁍 ˖ ՚༹ ˙˖ 𖥔 ،،̲ ﹕ ،  ݃˓

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⊹ ָ࣪ ˓˓ ˒˒ ، ˖ ࣪𑁍 ˖ ՚༹ ˙˖ 𖥔 ،،̲ ﹕ ،  ݃˓...

Opening the door, you both enter the rooftop, the weather is fairly cold and a fairly light wind is blowing. Came into the view, the city. From the top, you were able to see the whole city. Lights everywhere made you feel satisfied, loving the feeling of the fresh air on your face and the wind blowing through your hair. Leaning your body forward onto the railing, you felt someone standing next to you. You didn't have to look who it was as you and the hunky dude were the only people on the rooftop at the moment.

Both of you just stood there in silence, in your world, thinking. It wasn't an awkward silence or an uncomfortable one, no it was a silence that was peaceful, which made you feel relaxed.

The fact that you guys still don't know each other's names made you wonder how the both of you didn't even initiate to ask.

Very curious about what's the name of the tall guy standing next to you, you thought of asking his name first
"What's your name if you don't mind me asking?" You asked without looking at him knowing that your mind will start wandering off again about him.

"I'd like to keep that as a secret for now," he said looking at you
Hearing him made you smile slightly. All this weirdly made you feel attracted to him.

"So you want me to keep calling you 'buff guy' or 'hunky dude' " you say, this time turning your whole body towards him with a playful smile on your face. Even though you didn't call him all this out loud but you did inside your mind. It did embarrass you a little thinking that you said that out loud but you just ignore that feeling, trying to be confident.

"Oh, so that's what you think how I look like?" He asks playfully. Even though he's wearing that stupid mask you can feel that he's smirking.

You blush, shrugging making it seem cool, not wanting to be awkward.

"You can call me Yoon for now even though it's not my real name but I'd prefer you calling me this instead of 'buff guy' or 'hunky dude' " he says chuckling

"Okay Yoon my name is Y/n, nice to meet you," you say with an enthusiastic smile
"Nice to meet you too, Y/n" the way he says your name makes me feel all sorts of things inside your belly but yet again you ignore it.

"So why are you here, in Thailand?" He asks you
"It's my birthday day after tomorrow so my mom got me and my younger brother here for a small vacation" you answer with a happy look on your face, thinking about your mom. He just hums in response.
"What about you?"
"I'm just here to relax. I've been working a lot recently and just wanted some time alone for myself so yeah"
What's your job you wanted to ask him but you kept quiet thinking you might be getting a little overboard and getting too much into his personal space.

You both had started walking around while asking about each other.
While he was talking you noticed his outfit. Black sweats, a black t-shirt and a black sweater jacket on top of it.  It's just a casual outfit, but he somehow rocks it without even doing anything.

It makes you think that he's more of a quiet person, minding his own business, not wanting to get involved in any troublesome activity. You might be wrong as you don't know anything about him at all though you would love to. But how much ever you've spoken to him till now makes you assume this about his personality.

"How old are you?"
"I'm going to turn 21 days after tomorrow. You?"
"25" You look at him surprised. You thought he was your age though there isn't much age difference between you guys.

You wanted to see how he looked and wanted to tell him to remove his mask but again you didn't want to make him uncomfortable and get into his personal space so you just kept quiet even though it bothered you.

He was dazzled by how you didn't ask him about him wearing a mask and not invading his personal space.  It made him want to talk to you more, be with you, get to know you. If it was any other girl they would probably eat his head asking him to remove his mask.

Both of you talked about each other 's life asking few questions here and there while walking. When you guys noticed it was pretty late and that should get to bed y'all get back to your respective rooms.

That night none of you guys slept, thinking about each other. Thinking if they will meet each other again.

⊹ ָ࣪ ˓˓ ˒˒ ، ˖ ࣪𑁍 ˖ ՚༹ ˙˖ 𖥔 ،،̲ ﹕ ،  ݃˓...

𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | 𝗠𝗬𝗚Where stories live. Discover now