Chapter 1

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She sat there once again leaned on the large window looking how the kids were picked up by their parents from school. A single tear escaped Lilith's hazel eye but she quickly wiped it away. She was six when her mother was tortured to death from her own father right in front of her eyes as she hid under the table in their once cute little living room afraid of what he would do to her if he knew that Lilith was there too and everything because her mother didn't want to be on Voldemort's side. After he murdered Aurora, Lilith's mother, he ran away but that didn't had much use he was caught only a few days later. Her father was sent to Azkaban for lifetime. She didn't really miss him because he never really was nice to her and even used to hit her but Aurora and Lilith were very close in fact Aurora was the only person who got Lilith's full trust. The girl still got nightmares of her mother dying. Every night she saw her mother falling to the ground, her father on top of her, beating and torturing her and hearing her screams. Since Lilith didn't got any other relatives, she had to live in an orphanage and she was sick of it but she didn't want to someone adopting her either, she just wanted her old life back, where she was happy and weren't always alone but that was long ago five years to be exact. Now Lilith is eleven years old and got still no friends. But the reason wasn't that nobody wanted to be friends with her or hang out with her. The reason was that she couldn't trust anyone no matter what they tried Lilith just couldn't be nice. "Lilith!" a voice called out, which startled her out of her thoughts but she didn't respond. "Lilith, here you are! The family, that is interested in you is nearly here." ,'Interested in me, as if I' m some sort of pet ' Lilith thought, "Please be ready in 20 min. and come to my office." Mrs. Jones continued. Lilith rolled her eyes at her and head to her dorm but not without bumping in Mrs. Jones shoulder. When she arrived the girl changed her clothes, drew eyeliner, used red eye shadow and matching red lipstick. After that she brushed her dark blonde hair.

(Lilith's Outfit)

                                                                               (Lilith's Outfit)

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(her eye make up)

Lastly she put her three piercings in

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Lastly she put her three piercings in. She got two at the top from her right ear and on at the middle of her left ear. She knew especially Mrs. Jones hates them. The girl took one last look in the mirror in her dorm and head to the office from Mrs. Jones. Lilith didn't bother to knock and just stormed in. Inside was a woman in a cute red dress and a man with blue jeans and a grey shirt. Both of them smiled warmly at her but Lilith didn't smile back. " you must be Lilith, its so great to finally meet you.", the woman said," I'm Nadia and this is my husband Marcus" The girl nodded one time to show she heard them. "Don't you want to introduce yourself?" Mrs. Jones asked hoping for a better conversation than all the last times when somebody was interested in her. " What should I tell them? They should already have known everything they need to know, haven't they?" Lilith said turning to Mrs. Jones. " Um, actually we don't know that much. We only got a picture from you and know what your name and age is." Nadia stated. "I would say that's enough to know." She said coldly. "Oh uh, well-", Marcus started. "why don't you tell them, which languages you can speak?" , Mrs. Jones asked, giving her hopes for a nice conversation up. "English, German, Latin, Spanish, Russian, Italian, french and sign language.", she answered uninterested. "Wow, that are a lot of languages." Marcus said impressed. "Lilith can speak by far the most languages from all of the children." Mrs. Jones said kinda proud. "When did you got all the time to learn so many?", Nadia asked interested. Lilith shrugged "Guess I was just bored. Its not the nicest place to be, you know.", she answered slightly annoyed. "Then you would like to have a new home?", Nadia asked with hope in her voice. "Actually no, I wouldn't like that!" Lilith replied with more anger than she originally planned to use as the faces of the couple fell. "Watch your tone!" Mrs. Jones warned Lilith. "Whatever" Lilith said rolled her eyes, now clearly annoyed. "Could you please go outside for a minute?" Mrs. Jones tried to sound as kind as possible, but Lilith knew, that she is really angry and disappointed in her, like every time when a family had wanted to adopt her. However Lilith walked past them and out of the room. She found herself sitting on a chair next to the door where she often sits after she talked with a family. The girl could hear that Nadia said "I don't know, but it seems like she doesn't like us much." "Don't take it personal she's always like that", Mrs. Jones said hopelessly and Lilith couldn't help but smile at her answer. After that she didn't hear anything for a while. The next thing she could hear was Mrs. Jones as she said "I'm afraid but I have to inform you that Lilith isn't the easiest child. She ran away multiple times and last time she was found like so many times before from the Royal Navy, but she had three piercings in her ears. Nobody knows where she was or what exactly happened, well except of course Lilith but she won't speak about it. Aside from that Lilith isn't good at following rules. She almost breaks everyday at least one and if you couldn't already tell she isn't the politest." Lilith isn't really annoyed that she brought that up but isn't really pleased with it either. "-but Lilith is a really smart girl and she learns fast. She gets in every test 100% and as you heard she can speak many languages.-" Lilith couldn't hear anymore of their conversation as suddenly the door flung open and Mrs. Jones stands in the doorway. "Would you come back in again?" "Do I even have a choice?" Lilith responded but got up anyways she didn't want to mess with her any further. Back in the office Nadia and Marcus were waiting for her once again they smiled again but Lilith saw that they were clearly more nervous, although the girl couldn't tell why exactly. "I'm going to let you talk alone for a bit I'll be in the last room on the right if you need anything." Mrs. Jones explained and walked out of the room letting the three alone. Now it's completely silent in the office, although it was awkward the girl didn't see the need to break it. She just stared on the wall behind the couple. "So, may I ask why you live here, in an orphanage?", Nadia asked not thinking how much pain the memory causes. However Lilith replied coldly not letting them see that she's hurt. " My father murdered my mother." The adults both went wide eyed at how unaffected she spoke about her loss. "Oh uh, I'm so sorry. I didn't kno-" "It's best if you never ask anyone why they are here. Nobody is here because it's so fvcking great. Remember that!" Lilith cut her of at the first sentence still fake friendly but after it, she wasn't able to hide her anger. Nadia swallowed and only nodded. "Um well, what are your hobbies?" Marcus tried to begin a nicer conversation with the eleventh year old girl. "Archery and sword fighting.", she said uninterested. "we heard that you ran away once or twice, may i ask why?", the woman asked shyly. "First I hate it here and secondly I just love the risk that it brings." Lilith smirked devilish. "Um okay, we will think about adopting you and letting you know how we decided, alrigh-" "you can tell me to my face, that you don't want me as a form of a child!" Lilith cuts him once again off, he gulps at her response. "O-okay, Sweetheart maybe we should go" Nadia said a bit scared to her husband. "mmh." he hummed with that they were gone and short after Mrs. Jones burst into the office. "Can't you be one time at least a bit friendly, what is wrong with you?! Other kids would kill for a family, that wants them and you scare family after family away!", she yelled. Lilith just stared numb in the woman's eyes. "To your dorm! Immediately! And you got yourself a whole month detention!", the girl just walks to her room.'to think I would stay here' she thought.

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