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Three months have passed, since the white whale subjugation quest and the slaying of sloth. At first, the entire kingdom was busy celebrating the defeat of two horrendous beings that had plagued them for four hundred years. But now, everything had calm down.

That was only for the citizens though. The dragon candidates were ever so busy with their campaign that will last for three years. One particular candidate was especially engaged in work. Struggling, even. For she had lost her memories.


The demi-human knight, who had a preference for wearing feminine clothing, barged into the working duchess' office, startling her by his sudden intrusion.


She slowly muttered his name, which she had gotten used to calling by the period of three months. Having heard his name, Felix was quick to grasp Crusch's shoulders, as he leaned on to her affectionately and snuggled his chin against her smooth green hair.

"Crusch-sama! What do nyou think about going on an outing with Ferri-chan and Wil-jii?"

Felix asked her as his tail whipped around and his ears twitched. She looked at him with surprise. His request came out of nowhere.

"An outing...where to?"

"That you shouldn't worry about! Ferri-chan will take care of it."

He assured her with a proud snort, which made her lips draw into a small curve.

"Fine. Let's go."


"Crusch-sama, try this one please."

Felix pulled out a dark blue dress with a wrinkled square neck and puffed sleeves. It was simple, yet elegant.

"Ferris has a great choice in clothes."

She couldn't help but admire this quality of her knight, which made him chuckle as he thanked her.

"Oh! Why don't you try picking out Ferri-chan's clothes too?"

Felix enthusiastically asked her, making her tilt her head right, as she thought carefully. Looking at her acting so serious just to choose clothes made him smile.

"Then, I choose this."

She reached out to a blue dress, filled with frills. Felix flinched when he saw it. He clutched the hems of his dress and hung his head low as he spoke aloud-

"Hee~ Crusch-sama has great taste too."

She brought it towards him to see how it looked.

"Hmm, as expected, it looks good on you Ferris. It will go well with your ribbons. Also,"

She took a small pause as a gentle and warm smile bloomed on her face like a white lily.

"Its colour matches mine."

Biting his lower lip with his teeth, Felix desperately tried to hide his face by snatching the dress from her. But he couldn't hide the crack in his voice.

"F-Ferri-chan will go change. Crusch-sama should too! Let's meet up at the gate."

He threw out the words and walked hastily towards the door, only to be stopped by Crusch's hand that grabbed his.

"Wait for a second, Ferr-"

Her throat choked up at the sight in front of her. A trail of tears trickled down her knight's yellow cheeks, as his eyes failed to hold back the tears he had been so desperately trying to hide. His face turned red as he sniffled.

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