The day it began

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Jason:Need a ride?

Y/N:Why not

He then got in

and the car drove to the school

Y/N:Aaand..why is Mr.Popular late and taking me a ride? Stayed up late?

Jason:You can say that Erica kept me up all night

Y/N raised his eyebrow and jason looked at him and gained an embarasses blush

Jason:A-And it's not what your thinking about,Asshole!

Y/N grinned

Y/N:I wasn't thinking anything it was just you

Jason sighed and gained a small smile

Jason:What i meant was-

Y/N:I know what you meant,relaax

They then reached Reyes High and Jason parked his car and before Y/N can step out of the car he was stopped by jason

Jason:Hey Y/N


Jason:Listen,i know he's your cousin and all but you can't just let him mess with you for the rest of the school year

Y/N:Yeah but-

Jason:And i know he needs to pass this in highschool but he needs to learn that he can't just keep asking for other's help

Y/N looks down and thought about everything his cousin did to him

Jason:He needs to learn to take this on his own,just think about it...

Y/N opened the door and stepped out of the car

Jason:And Y/N,i care about you dude

Y/N nodded and walks to the school and he heard some students gossiping

RMS(Random Male Student):There he goes again..

RFS(Random Female Student):That Pearce i swear,he's just using Jason for fame


Y/N ignored them and walked to his locker and he took some books and notes inside and he took out some notes and putted it back in the locker

Then he was slapped back in the back of his head and he looked back to see his cousin who had a smug look along with his lackies and his bitch Girlfriend Ella

Zane's Height was 5'7 and he has a red hair and and E/C'ed eyes and he was wearing a black Shirt and gray jeans and his blue jacket is on his waist and a sneakers

While his  girlfriend had a blonde hair that reaches to her lower back
and was wearing a white long-sleeve 
and a jeans styled shorts with white shoes and has a red stripes on the side

Zane:you have it?

Y/N nodded with an unsure and reaches for his bag and stopped then thought about what jason said

How did it come to this?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz