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ariana's p

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ariana's p.o.v

i woke up to a text from y/n saying she was gone shopping with some friends for a while.

i figured she meant either victoria or kehlani or something, or if not then that's okay either way.

i trust her, but she shouldn't trust me even tho i know she does.

i've broken her trust so many times and she doesn' even know it.

i called over courtney, but she said she was busy and to call back in an hour.

i wasn't going to contact victoria so i just sat there, sighing as i turned on the television.

that was working until adeya showed up at our house.

"dey? what is it?" i asked her, hoping she could just leave honestly, or atleast have a real problem.

"since when do you want me to leave?" she pushed past me as she walked inside.

i stayed quiet and followed her into the kitchen.

"so are we done done?" she crossed her arms and i rolled my eyes. this girl really did not just do that.

"yes. i told you that already. i want things to work out with y/n." i told her honestly.

we weren't even a thing so um, remind me what was there to be 'done' with.

i don't really even know if that's what i want but i love y/n so i guess it is.

"when you change your mind by next week don't tell me nothing." my best friend said as she walked back out the house, slamming the door.

well i guess everyone just decided to be annoying as fuck today.

i know she is hurt, but she knew i didn't want anything with her.

she was suposed to be fixing things between her and polo anyways.

i sat on my phone and went through instagram one again. atleast these fan pages were being nice.

without y/n here i felt lonely. i guess that's how she felt all the times i wasn't here.

"ariana?" someone called from outside so i went to the door.

it was vic, so i let her in the house and we sat on the couch.

i went onmy phone again until she took it out my arms.

"ariana we need to talk, honestly." she crossed her arms.

i already know where this is going, she's going to lecture me about how i'm doing y/n wrong or something like that.

as if i don't already know she deserves better. as if i'm not already feeling guilty enough.

"i know she deserves better." i frowned and looked at my friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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