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y/n's p

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y/n's p.o.v

i sighed and held in my tears with a blank face.

ariana and i had just had yet another fight. they were happening so often and over the dumbest things too. it was annoying.

we have not even been dating for five months and we can't even be around each other for too long.

well that isn't true, it's just that often we disagree on everything.

i walked into our, her house and took off my shoes.

she asked me to move in with her a few weeks ago and i said yes so we wouldn't argue anymore but that obviously didn't work.

i won't say its all her fault. we have had a lot of arguments because of me too but she always wants to be right.

like i don't know. if i voice how i feel it always ends badly. but if i shut up and act cold it's still my fault.

thank god she isn't home right now or we'd probably have a next fight about how i'm always over reacting.

victoria had told me i need to let her go but i can't.

no one gets it. she's the only one who makes me feel wanted. i mean sure we fight and that's not good but she also makes me feel like the only girl in the world.

no one's loved me more than ariana, and i have never loved anyone more than her either.

times like this tho, i wish i never even loved her to begin with.

because it hurts so much, physically.

all of it. it just hurts. it feels like i can't breathe without her but when i'm around her i wish i wasn't even breathing.

i decided to make tea and sit on my phone but i got bored and eventually just went upstairs.

it was after two in the morning when i finally heard the front door open.

i was in the guest room because i didn't really want to be around her when she came home.

she obviously felt the same because she didn't call out for me, or even look for me.

i didn't expect anything more at this point anyways.

i fell asleep alone for yet another night. this time i didn't even feel lonely, i was used to it.

𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶Where stories live. Discover now