Chapter 5: A Deal with the Devil

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"Hmm?" The elder Horikita pondered. "Why do you need 500,000 points? And why are you asking me to give it to you?"

"My name is Hirata Yousuke," I panted, tired from sprinting to get here. I'm the class representative of class 1-D. I need these points to save two of my classmates from expulsion. You were the only one who I could think of who might possess such a sum of points." 

The elder Horikita seemed unmoved by my motives. "First of all, why would I ever lend you this money? There's no guarantee at all you'll be able to pay it back before I graduate in a year. In fact, you have zero class points. How on earth do you expect to be able to compensate me for this? I can't think of a single thing your class can offer to me." 

"But your si-"

"I don't give a damn about my sister. Don't try to use her to negotiate here. The fact is, you simply have no cards here to play. You should have thought this out before you came here."

He was right. I had nothing to bargain with. I was completely screwed.

But just as I was about to give up, a ray of light came from behind me. A light in the abyss of darkness I had fallen into. A vicious, red light.

A blond-haired second-year student walked in from the door behind me.

"What's going on here?" he asked.

"I came to ask Horikita-senpai to loan me 500,000 points to save my classmates from expulsion. He refused." 

"How cruel," the blond-haired student retorted at elder Horikita. "I suppose I could give you such an amount. But not without my proper compensation." 

"Of course!" I instantly exclaimed. "Anything."

"How about this: I'll give you 500,000 points. You don't have to pay me back. But in exchange, your class must be under my full command on any special exam of my choosing."

I wasn't quite sure what he meant by "special exam," but I didn't have any time to ask. 

"I'll do it."

"You fool!" exclaimed elder Horikita. 

"Be quiet and draft us up a contract." said the blond-haired student. 

"I have one condition," I told him.


"You can't do anything that would cause anyone in my class to be expelled."

"I suppose that's fine. I only care about helping my year rather than hurting yours anyways." he agreed. "But I also have one condition then."

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"You prove yourself to me. Beat me in an arm-wrestling match."

Arm-wrestling? My classmates' fate would be decided on something so juvenile as arm-wrestling?

Whatever. I wasn't in any position to argue with him.


I set my arm on the table.

"Let's do this, then." 

Time was running short. 6 minutes were left until the deadline Chabashira had set. It took me five minutes to run here.

So, I only had a minute to spare. 

As we locked arms, I remembered that I couldn't afford to lose. 

He began to count down as I tightened my grip.



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