Chapter 3: Class D's Curse

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Before I knew it, the first month of school had gone by. I had become the class representative (I had been the sole volunteer.) I had made friends with much of the class, and everything was going swimmingly.

Until that one fateful day.

It was the first of a new month, and everyone in class D was expecting to receive 100,000 points as they had when the school year began. But when I checked my point total, it remained the same as the day before: 31,675.

That's odd. I wasn't alone in thinking that either, as when I arrived in the classroom that was all anyone was talking about. Karuizawa in particular approached me.

"Hira- I mean Yousuke-kun, have you received your points yet?" She asked me.

"I haven't, and from the looks of things, neither has anyone else. It's probably just an error in the system." I speculated.

"Ah, that would make sense," agreed Karuizawa.

Soon after, Chabashira-sensei entered the room.

"Hey, what the hell!?" said Ike, clearly agitated. "Where are our points!?"

Chabashira responded. "Calm yourselves. There has been no error of any kind. You have received your class points."

"But we-"

"Didn't receive any points? I'm aware." She interrupted him. This school runs on a system of class points. 1 class point is 100 yen a month. You started with 1000."

"So what happened to our class points?" Ike questioned.

"You are the first class I have ever seen to lose every last point within the first month. Points are taken away for bad behavior, absences, showing up late, etc."

"No one told us this! This is ridiculous!" Ike flared up.

"You are high schoolers. You are old enough to know these things. All through middle school and even elementary school, you should have learned to show up for class on time. End of discussion.

Ike went silent, clearly still angry.

I decided to speak up. "Sensei, you've explained that we lost our points due to bad behavior. So conversely, is it possible for us to gain points from cleaning up our act?"

"No. That is what is expected, you don't gain points simply from following the bare minimum," said Chabashira-sensei.

"Now, let's begin today's lesson, shall we?" Chabashira-sensei continued.

The lesson was fairly standard. But I couldn't help but feel that the class wasn't paying much attention. We had bigger things to think about.


When lunch break finally came and Chabashira-sensei exited the room, the class erupted into chaos.

Some students began to blame each other for pushing us to 0 points.

"Oi, Sudou, this is your fault for showing up to class late!" said Okitani.

"MY fault!? You always messed around during class!"

Others begged their friends to loan them points.

"Karuizawa, could I borrow some points? I promise to pay them back!" asked Mori Nene.

"How will you pay me back if we don't get any more points?"

The class had turned into chaos. As class representative, I had to do something.

I stood up at the front of the room. "Could I have everyone's attention, please?"

The class went silent and looked up at me.

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