chapter three (gone)

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I wake up in the morning with a weighted feeling on my chest. I slide deeper under the covers, afraid to start today.

I think back to last night. I think back to all that was said, all that was done.

I was angry. He was angry. We both made mistakes in our relationship, but was last night a mistake?

Neither of us had been at our best for a while, and it didn't seem like anything was going to change. Why? Why didn't we want to change?

Don't we love each other? And if we love each other, shouldn't we both be able to make sacrifices for each other? Shouldn't love conquer all?

Apparently not because the love of my life is nowhere to be found, and I'm not sure if he's coming back. Alex is gone.

Alex is gone gone.

He slammed the door of the apartment as he left. He slammed the door on our relationship. On our future.

That tells me that he was done. There's no going back from what we went through last night. I've lost him.

And I might never see him again.

Well he actually has to come back. All his stuff is here in our apartment.

My heart breaks a little more at our. I guess it's my apartment now. It was my apartment before Alex, but it felt like a home once it became our apartment.

I look around me at the apartment now. It feels empty and sad. Maybe it wasn't the actual rooms that felt like home, but the people living in them.

I feel like there should be laughing coming from behind one of our doors. There should be music and then smell of food in the air. There should be a feeling of love surrounding us. But there's not.

Because Alex is gone.

I thought I'd be relieved when we broke up, but I feel anything but. He left an Alex-sized hole in my heart when he shut the door, and I'm not sure any surgery in the world could ever help it.

There's nobody else besides Alex. I've known that since the day he raided me back and told me it was meant to be. Nobody could ever take his place. I'm his. And he's mine.

But not anymore.

I lie in bed all day. I eat the leftover candy I had bought for when I thought we could watch a movie, which we never did.

I rewatch old vods, tiktoks and videos. We look so happy in all of them. You can see a slight shift in the most recent ones, but I choose to ignore that. I want to remember the good times and grieve at those.

I watch one tiktok that shows our first raid, our first meetup, us confirming our relationship and then it ends with Quackity proposing.

I don't realize I'm crying until it's over.

I wish I could go back in time and hug him longer. I wish I could tell my past self to hold on for dear life, and for her to fix any weird changes right away. I want her to be happy for as long as possible, so she wouldn't have to feel what I feel now.

I feel as though someone placed a bomb on my chest. I can feel the weight, and I have to focus on keeping everything in. One wrong move, one wrong thought, just looking at something of his wrong, and I might break. And when I break that bomb will explode.

I hate this. I hate that all day I've been so fragile. Pictures, shirts, memories all cloud my brain and affect me. I want to feel normal again, although I don't want to go back to the normal I've felt these past couple months.

After the Raid War (SEQUEL) / Quackity x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now