Part 7: My first...

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It's been almost two months now since Sera and I went on our first date, since then we go out without the guys every Friday night. And every Friday night I find Luci waiting up for me.

Sera is quite the Angel, his clumsiness is what makes it easy to forget he's an Angel at all. It's the deep dimpled smile that gets me, when he smiles big I swear my own happiness makes home on his dented cheeks. Though as of late, he's seemed distant, it's Thursday and we all had our last classes of the day and opted to have dinner together. Tonight it was Sushi, a favorite for all of us. Sera sat next to me quietly, which wasn't usual for him. A couple weeks ago he was given a new charge and he seemed to be busy with them more often than not. Sera's mind seemed to be anywhere but here, "Hey you, come back to me..." I nudged him a little, pulling myself close to his ear. He said nothing, his eyes hadn't moved from where he was staring, "SER-A-PHIM! Son of God, Angel of Harvest!", Luci yelled. I jumped from my proximity to Sera and stared at Luci in surprise.

Sera looked at him annoyed, "If you're not going to be present with your loved ones Sera, then go to wherever your mind is occupying your attention.", Castiel said in a calm but intimidating voice. Sera shifted his eyes towards me, gave me a small peck on my forehead and said, "Evie, I'm sorry. It's my charge, I need to go but I'll be back as soon as I can", he left before I could respond.

I sat slumped in my seat with hurt caught in my throat. The waitress came by, "Is there anything I can get you guys to drink?", I sat straight and asked for a bottle of Sake. The boys looked at me with curious eyes and proceeded to order their own drinks.

A couple of hours later, six shared bottles of Sake, and I was spewing nonsense at the waitress about how cute her smile was and that she should never let anyone dim her light. I was drunk and upset. Next thing I know Luci was holding me up by my arm and walking towards the exit, "Luci she's hurting. You know how Sera is and how he gets. You should just talk to her, be honest. However she responds isn't your fault you know he'll never be upfront until confronted." I faintly heard Mikael telling him. I looked between the three of them, Mika had a look of pity, Castiel's expression was mixed between frustration and doubt, and Luci...

Luci's eyes were devoid of any emotion, his lips tight in a straight line, "Hey... tell me what? What's going on?". Castiel and Mika each placed a kiss on my head and said goodnight. I looked at Luci, I was so drunk, and so confused, and so angry that I wanted to scream.

Why does everyone treat me like a child, "Damn it Luci! What is going on?!" I began to cry, not used to the emotions I was currently experiencing, not used to having no control over my emotions. I'm never getting drunk again. He stepped forward and held me, "Let's at least get you some water first, let's go home Evie."

We walked in silence to the dorm and soon as he shut the door I asked, "What is it about Sera that I don't know?" Avoiding my question he grabbed a water bottle and motioned me to take a seat, "No. Tell me now or I'll go and find him myself."

He had his hands in his pockets and stared at the carpet, "Above, in the skies, in our world, love isn't necessarily monogamous... Sera is the type to fall in love with whoever and whatever piques his interest. He's found interest in his new charge." Sera is my first boyfriend, my first boyfriend is an Angel, my first heartbreak from an Angel. I felt my stomach drop to the deepest pits of my being. It really hasn't been long since I developed feelings for him, I'm not a child, I know better. But why... Why does it hurt so much?

I couldn't articulate my pain, "I'm going to get ready for bed.", I walked past Luci towards the bathroom and puked up my heartache. I could hear Luci sitting by the door, singing my favorite song, letting me know he cared.

"Perhaps the reason this night looks so beautiful,
Is not because of these stars or lights, but us..."

Hi all! I know not many are really reading this. Regardless im sorry im not consistent with updating. Life tingz y'know?! Anyways I hope everyone is doing well. How'd you guys feel about the chapter??

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