Part 4: Careful now...

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***Photo credit belongs to owner, y'all Pinterest has the cutest shit. After all these years I am still obsessed with that site. Happy reading!!

Everything was starting to feel quite overwhelming. I spend most of my time alone and out of the blue, I have befriended a group of Angels who act more like teen wolves than anything else. We all sat across from each other along a rectangle table in what I was told was their favorite diner. I observed silently, sitting between Castiel and Luci, watching them tease each other and smile as if they've never seen a horrible thing in their lives. I felt so at home with them, almost like I belonged in this group of friends.

That's it. Belonging.

Something I've never felt before. Just then I felt Castiel poke my shoulder, "Eve. What are you thinking of?". The rest of the table was still distracted in their fooling around, "Oh, uhm nothing. Well I'm not sure actually... I feel like this is all real and then not real. I just... I don't know how to explain." His face seemed so devoid of emotion but his presence didn't feel that way. Castiel felt like the warmest of Sunday mornings after a rainy Saturday, he felt like safety. He stared at me for a moment before I looked away feeling embarrassed. He brought his hand to my shoulder and with a small smile and said, "Don't worry Evie darling. I know exactly what you're trying to say. Try to think of us as long lost childhood friends, reunited finally. I know I don't say much but know that I will always be here for you and continue to watch over you as I have been." With that Castiel jumped right back into joking with the group and for the rest of night I felt free to be myself.

It's been so long since I've really had fun like this, I haven't been within a group of friends since I was a kid. I remember this girl named Stephanie who invited me to her 9th birthday party, to be honest, it seemed way too fancy for a 9 year old. It was a themed Black & White party, which meant we could only dress in those colors. I forced myself to be a part of all the activities but never felt fully accepted by the other kids. Nonetheless, it was fun and it was freeing, just like tonight has been.

There has been one thing I noticed all throughout dinner, Sera kept looking at me every chance he got, giving me that damned smirk. Not to mention that any time he tried to ask me direct questions Luci stepped in almost each time, either answering with "you already know the answer to that" or "you're going to overwhelm her, she's just met us give her a break Sera." I wasn't at all sure what to think of any of this so I let it be and figured I could ask Luci about it later.

After settling the bill Sera had offered to walk me back until Castiel reminded him that Luci was now my roommate. Luci laughed and gave his brothers a hug goodnight. How sweet, they hug each other like it's the last one. I've always wanted to be held that way. Everyone turned to me wishing me sweet dreams, except Sera. He again grabbed my hand and sweetly kissed the top of it, "I look forward to all the new memories that we'll be making together Eve. Goodnight." All the blood in my body had risen to my cheeks and all I could do was nod my head and stare down at my feet once again.

Luci and I left the rest of the group to walk back to our dorm, "I'm sorry about Sera Evie, if you couldn't tell he likes you very much. Just ignore him and eventually he'll stop making things so uncomfortable." Part of me knew that Sera was attracted to me in some way and the other part of me was flabbergasted. Luci was walking beside me with eyes towards the sky and hands in his pockets, "I don't mind it, I mean he doesn't make me uncomfortable. Honestly, no ones ever been attracted to me. I've never even been on a date. Well... I guess you know that already." I laughed at myself and soon realized Luci stopped walking and was a few feet behind me, staring as if I said something unheard of. "What?", I asked. Instead of answering he continued to walk with me commenting on how beautiful the stars were on both sides of the sky.

I was becoming quite curious about the laws and lives of Angels, "Hey Luci, are Angels allowed to be in... romantic relationships with humans? Or their charges? Also, why does it seem like you and Sera have tension?" He looked at me with an expression I couldn't make out, he looked upset, yet he also looked like he was calculating. "Don't worry about me and Sera, it's nothing worth talking about. Now why would little Evie be so curious about Angel inter-being relationships?" I chose not to respond and instead waited for his answer, "Well, it's not unheard of. Especially since the reveal it's become pretty common now. Is this about Sera?" Without any wandering thoughts left, "Maybe..." I said.

Not knowing at all how I really felt or what I really wanted, I did know I was about to walk through uncharted territory of my own life. Though nothing seemed bad about Sera, there was a feeling in my stomach I had never felt before, and it felt good. But it also felt like it could crush my heart if I wasn't careful enough.

How is everyone doing? I'm sorry I've been absent. I've been in Indiana, my sister got accepted to Purdue and we've been preparing to move her in and now were here. What are you all feeling about the story so far? How do we feel about Luci and Sera? Im a hoe for votes and comments yall... ill give you cuddles and kisses in exchange for them!😍

P.s.s i just realized I forgot to bold quotes in the last few chapters, it's how I originally had typed up this story and would like to keep it that for this particular one. Ill be editing 1-3 later so that it has that. 😩😒

I love you allllll!!!!!!!!!😘

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