Sick day -gihun

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I walk down the stairs and look at Gihun passed out in the couch.

"Gihun why are you sleeping on the couch?"

He puts up his hand a little bit and moves it down.

I go down to feel his forehead and it's  burning up.

" Gihun your burning up!"

I flip him up and  bring him upstairs.

" y/n I'm fine just a bit tired I promise."

" you said that last time and I literally had to take you to a hospital because we didn't think it was serious"

I put him in the bed and walk down stairs.  I grab ginger ale and some medicine form the fridge.

I head upstairs and set in down on the night stand.

" drink up."

He takes the medicine and drinks some of the ginger ale. He turns around and closes his eyes.

" y/n I love you."

" love you too baby."

He falls asleep and I head downstairs to make Gihun something to eat . I make macaroni ,lasagna  spinach and corn with green beans. On the side.


I  make gihun a plate and head up stairs. To bring him his food.

I set his plate down and wake him up.

" Gihun wake up your foods ready."

He slowly turns around and looks at me .

" okay ."

I tell him to sit up and he does so I put his plate on his lap and he starts to eat .

I sit down next to him and turn on the tv.
We watch tv while gihun eats his food

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