A tale of two queens

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Two kingdoms
Once in close partnership
Where bread and wine were shared
Now separated by a river of tears

Two queens
Once trusted friends
Where secrets and plans were told
Now enemies through spilled blood
and blood shall flow again.

Thousands of people
forced to march into war
without reason or choice
as the murder of a queen
cannot remain without revenge
and revenge indeed it was.

A prince
Fragile as glass
Filled to the top with hatred and pain
Made blood flow again
Where words should have flowed instead
And blood did flow.

Thousands of deaths
Likely prevent if word would have been spoken
Instead, balance was disrupted
life and death corrupted
and a cruse was spoken.

One day
balance shall be reestablished
and the cursed shall be freed
But only if remorse is felt
and a cold heart will beat
will a pained life finally end.


this serves as a kind of prologue, the story starts with the next chapter

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