Chapter Two - One what?

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(Natalie's POV)

"Okay. Everything is going to be okay. Nothing to worry about. Keep calm. Keep calm." I told myself pacing around the office.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Stay still your making me dizzy!" the annoying weirdo yelled.

"Leave me alone okay? I have more important things to do!"

"So do I! I have a hot date tonight!"

"Ugh! Men!" I scoffed.

"Please! When was the last time YOU were on a date?"

"When was the last time you were in a serious relationship?"

"I've had serious relationships!"

"Doubt it." I scoffed. "I think the longest relationship you EVER had in your life has been....ugh I just doubt it. It's not possible any girl would want to be serious with you."

"Do you even know me?! Im Harry Styles! MILLIONS of girls want me." he babbled, I rolled my eyes.

"Harry who?"

"Styles, Harry Styles, from one Direction."

"One what?"

"One Direction." he stated once again.

"Oh right! Your that gay band right?" I told him. I swear smoke escaped from his ears. Of course I know One Direction, I just wanted him to get mad.

"We are NOT gay."

"Whatever, lets just figure out how to get out of here." I told him to stop the fighting. If I dont get out of here i'll just die! My dreams will be crushed! And I cannot, I repeat, CANNOT let that happen. An idea quickly came to mind. I opened my mothers desk drawers and took out something that could be useful to pick the lock. I got a paper clip and a bobby pin and made my way to the locked door. I kneeled before it and tried to pick the lock.

(Harry's POV)

Who does she think she is? And how can she NOT know One Direction?? How could she not know me??! I'm so ANNOYED BY HER!!!

Getting that out of my mind I decided to also think of a possible way to get out of this office. I saw her run through some drawers and go straight to the door.

She's been trying to pick the lock for eight minutes, so I thought of something better. Something more...effective.

"Move." I told her. She turned around and looked my way.

"Im trying to pick the lock." she said obviously annoyed.

"I have a better idea."

"Like what?" she scoffed

"Move." she finally gave up and moved away from the door. I grabbed a chair and ran towards the door hitting it with the chair. Sadly, it was an epic fail because I fell and so did the door knob.

(Natalie's POV)

"Like what?" I asked the idiot. How in the hell could he possibly think of something better? How could he think of anything??!

"Move." I decided to let him try, I was desperate to get out so i'd basically try anything. I got out of the way and the maniac grabbed a chair and hit the door with it. The idiot fell and so did the door knob? What the hell?! That's it! I'm officially trapped in my mom's office. My career will be over without me even starting it. Great, just...great.

"Seriously?! That was your plan?!" I asked looking down at him.

"At least I tried something! Dont be such a know-it-all!" he yelled getting up.

"That was completly stupid of you and im NOT a know-it-all."

"It was not stupid! And YES YOU ARE!" he yelled.

"It was EXTREMELY STUPID. Besides, I rather be a know-it-all than be a know-nothing-at-all."

"Nice one." he replied sarcastically."Nerd."



"You know what? I dont have time for this! Im not stooping to your level. And even if I wanted to I couldn't, your stupidity level is impossible to reach." I told him crossing my arms and pulling a chair to sit down.

"You are so full of yourself!" I stood up so we were face to face.

"I can't believe out of all people YOU would say that to me. YOU are the one thats full of yourself. YOU are the superstar that thinks you deserve every girl in the world because of your good-looks. You think of girls as a piece of meat. You don't look for a girl's brains or personality, you look for their body. You are just like everyother person that turns famous. Your a snobby, selfish guy and your not worth the head ache, not one bit." he was in awe. "Think about that. Who's the one that's full of themselves now?"

With that I ended the conversation and sat back down. He pulled a chair far from me and started playing with his phone.

(Harry's POV)

"Think about that. Who's the one that's full of themselves now?" she told me with a straight face. I didn't know how to feel right now. I began to think about what she said when I pulled a chair away from her and sat down. I was looking at pictures of previous girls i've dated and not one of them had something I really wanted in a girl. I guess she's right, I am full of myself.

I don't know the reason why but I want to show this girl my true self. The REAL Harry Styles. But before I show her my trueself I should probably know her name first...


To start off i'm SORRY I haven't updated sooner! So? What did ya think? Comment, vote, fan?


I've never done this before but I want to do it now. Im gonna start updating based on votes and comments. If not I wont update. To start off slow I want 3 votes and 4 comments. Any comment, big or small I want to know your opinion.

I've been reading some great fanfics but i'll mention my fave five on the next chappie! Love y'all <3 !!

- Ive *.*

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