Chapter 11 - To the grave

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Nelson Syphus and Debruh Smith

JANUARY 14, 2007

Deb: Someones coming, quick hide down here.

Nelson: Okay.

Deb: Well hurry up!

Nelson: I'm coming! It's really small underhere.

Deb: Yeah I know Just be quiet If anyone finds us especially Gary Reynolds were dead.

Nelson: I know but do you have Wes's Necklace? I don't want it anymore but I really don't want Reynolds to get it, do you know what he's capable of if he does?

Deb: Well he'll be very dangerous and didn't Benjamin bury him with it.

Nelson: I think he did. We need to get that from Wes before Gary does.

Deb: Well yeah duh Now shush he can hear us.

*Awkward silence*

*7 minutes later*

Deb: I think he's gone.

Nelson: Me too, Lets go we need to find Wes's grave.

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