~Chapter three~ Fine, I'll Be You're Butler

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I was still in absolute shock at his words, and he said it so calmly as if he didn't just force me to do something against my own will. Of course he would force me into the job, that's all that rich people do, they don't ask for permission or favours; rich people know what they want and will get what they want and I hate it.

Anger begun to swarm around every inch of my body, I wasn't just gonna let him order me around, I would never ever in a million years obey and listen to one of these filthy, well dressed men. My rage was not missed by the two men standing in front of me, for the prince had asked me "are you alright peasant, you look quite unpleased?" Unpleased, unpleased...

"Unpleased barely describes my urge to kill you right now!" I took a breath "I didn't agree to being your petty, pitiful , poor butler, and I never will, so go take a stroll and find someone else who actually wants to be your pet!" I turned on my heel and headed towards the fields to attend to my duties, but once again I was pulled to a holt when a familiar, armour protected, dark blue haired night had stepped in front of me.

"Sir you're rude behaviour towards the prince is highly unacceptable and-!" He stopped shouting when he had realised that I was already making my way down the path. "Come back right now, you rude barbarian" he started to sprint towards me, and I was not going to listen to this man, nor serve his prince, so I made a run for it.

I heard his footsteps soon become more and more distanced. Just when I thought I had successfully got away, a horse with a man was riding side by side with me. I looked to see who it was but when I did I immediately began to pick up my pace, but my speed was once again matched with the horse's and soon I felt like I was floating. The prince had managed to pick me up and now I am sitting behind him while holding onto him for dear life.

We rode back to the village, I tried to argue with him to let me go back, but nothing worked. I was soon greeted by an unpleased  knight, waiting continue his earlier rant, and quite frankly Katsuki did not want to listen to his annoying words.

Prince Shoto had swung his legs to the left of the horse and he jumped off of the horse, making his boots make a clank sound as they landed onto the stone floor. Once he reached the ground he lended me a hand to help me jump but I simply pushed it away and copied his past actions, my feet soon came intact with the ground and now we were both off of the horse.

"You foolish boy, you can't just run off mid speech, did no one teach you manners at all?" The same rich blue haired boy soldier said. The prince soon interrupted the Knight "It's alright Iida, he has reasons for his actions even if he doesn't come off the kindest, it's understandable" He placed a hand gently on the knights right soldier, patting it to calm the obviously annoyed man. I honestly kind of felt my heartbeat grow faster at his simple words, he made me feel understood, but I pushed my feelings away for I cannot like people like him.

"Why did you choose me to be your butler, there were so many who actually wanted the job?" I said annoyed once again with the fact that he chose me of all people. He simply chuckled "because you are hardworking, and push through every day, just so that you can achieve your goal; your efforts are impeccable and would pay off really well in being my butler" I felt kind of proud of myself until I remembered, 'how does he know about my goal' I was confused but didn't question it.

I knew I was never going to be able to get out of this, I'll try and make an escape plan later on once I get familiar with the way the castle works. So I finally gave in to my new job as taking the role of being the prince's butler. "Fine I'll be your Butler, but don't expect much from me." I exclaimed, warning him about my actions and behaviour. He nodded and smiled happily at my words, I could tell he was joyful due to the fact that I agreed finally, and if it wasn't for his bloodline I might have smiled as well.

The sound of horse's hooves clacking on the stone floor became more and more audible. Soon a well detailed carriage came swinging around the corner. It was red but the ruby colour was hardly seen underneath all the gold accents and designs overlapping on top. There was three windows on each side, each outlined with a gold strip, each side of the carriage was accompanied by a lantern that was connected with more gold details. All four wheels where a shimmering gold, connected by a
Long curved piece of gold.

Once The Carriage had reached us it came to a holt when the horses where ordered to stop, now it awaited for people to sit inside on the cushioned seats. The coachman stepped down from where he was sitting and walked around the carriage and then gently swung open the door.

"It's time to go, you may go into the carriage first" the prince said guiding me to the carriage, I walked up to the door and took the coachman's hand as he assisted me up into the carriage. I took a seat on the left side of the carriage, close to the window on the opposite side of opening. The carriage wobbled a little as the prince entered, he took the seat opposite to me, checking the time with the small clock that hung loose around his wrist. "Normally this journey takes five hours so hopefully we should arrive at around a quarter to five." He explained which I nodded in answer, and soon the carriage became silent as the carriage slightly shook every time we'd hit larger rocks around bumps.

During the whole ride none of us spoke, I viewed the beautiful scenery that lies all orotund the carriage, getting excited every time I saw an animal. Prince Shoto on the other hand was reading a book that looked to have at least eight hundred pages. I tried to check what he was reading but I didn't want to come off wrong so I kept looking at the trees and fields.

Further on into the journey Todoroki had put his book down and joined me in watching the scenery go by slowly. He had one leg crossed over the other while his hands rested by his side, his posture was amazing whereas I looked like a dying cat with my back hunched and my face resting in my palm.

"I must warn you that as impolite as you are to me is fine but to my father you must gather all your manners, he would not let such mannerless people like you get away without severe punishment." He warned me in a worried tone. I nearly shivered at his words, I knew the king was a brutal man but simply punishing for badmouthing made me worried. I nodded, trying to act calm but my worry must have been noticeable since he placed his hands on my shoulders, trying to calm me down. "Don't worry I'd never want any of my workers to be hurt, I simply wouldn't allow it, so I'll help you improve for your roles." He explained with a gentle smile which I actually returned slightly. "I'm also sure that you'll befriend many of my workers, since they're very polite and friendly people" I nodded feeling less worried, "thank you." I said looking at the ground, he nodded in understanding and lowered his hands off my shoulders.

After a while I began to feel tired, so I placed my left arm against the window and rested my head on top of it, soon I begun to drift off into sleep.

I woke up to the feeling of being shaken, which was preformed by none other than the prince. I opened my eyes and rubbed them so that I could see clearer and then I saw it, the castle. It was so resplendent and majestic, it was so much more breathtaking than all the rumours and stories about it. As much as I hated the royals, I have to admit that this was stunning and I'm honestly questioning if I should stay mad at the fact that I get to work here. I'll guess I'll just have to wait to see how my days working here turns.


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