~Chapter one~ Royal visitor!

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The sky is beautiful today but sadly the sun was blazing hot; the heat radiating from the sun nearly began to make the dirt beneath my feet, melt into mud. We were now in summer and the sun was really playing its part, making it a lot harder to get through the days. I knew that my back was probably burnt and that tomorrow I would have to go through the pain but the only thing I could care about right now is finishing loading the watermelons on the back of the cart. I have already done all my chores for today, and now this was my last job.

I've finally managed to get all the watermelons onto the cart, some where lying on others in a large pile. Walking to the front of the cart, I sit next to Thomas on the wooden seat. He pulls on the reigns and soon the wheels began turning and we were moving slowly through the field of crops and grass. It felt good to be sitting again, after all that effort to lift those heavy watermelons my back began cramping up.

"Hot day isn't it?" Thomas said still looking in front. I wiped my forehead, clearly showing my answer before replying "quite"
He let out a breathy laugh while nodding his head, showing that he understood my answer clearly. Thomas is one of the oldest workers that I know but I trust him with my life. He is wise and used to be a talkative and energetic man, but after the loss of his wife Anne, he turned into the quiet, miserable, gloomy man that he is now. I love when he talks to me, it makes me feel like I'm special since I'm one of the only people he would talk to, of course the words are limited but he still joins the conversation.

As the village was nearing in sight I could see people crowding a spot; that's unusual, normally people are rushing and scurrying in scatters to get to somewhere, but today they all seem to be all clumped up together in one spot. We were now even closer to the town and I could here the voices of the townsfolk. I caught onto the whisperings and words that were running from one ear to another's. Someone special has come to visit the town, and not any special person; the prince of Conleth was here. As interesting as the information was, I still needed to get these fresh watermelons home but this herd of people is blocking the way, and I'm not going the long way around. I got off my seat and started walking to the gathering, I then clapped to try and get their attention but not even one single person had batted their eye towards me. I then tried pushing people off of the path but no budge, now this is ridiculous, they won't listen and if I try to push them they will just continue to stand there. Okay well then I guess I'll have to wreck their ears. I took a deep breath and analysed the crowd checking to see if they had moved, when I my eyes were greeted with the same sight as before, I began to cream bloody murder. "GET THE FUCK OF THE PATH YOU MORONS!" The people all flinched and started to scatter to different sides of the road.

I grinned proudly at the actions of the villagers, but then I saw a boy still standing in the middle of the road with a what seems to be soldiers surrounding him. He was facing my direction and gave me a look of astonishment, while his nights gave me a look of loathe, which I returned back. I didn't like people with power and money, they're all blinded by their enhance and always use their powers with wrong intentions. They were also the reason why my family ended up the way they live now, impoverished. They ruined our joyful and beatific times, they ruined my grandparents pride, They ruined our family. Now it's just me and my ill mother. If it wasn't for the fact that the sun was setting and the nighttime's are dangerous, I would have gone and punched those annoying men in uniforms. I walked over to the cart and hopped back into my seat, and soon the cart took off again.

For the rest of the ride I was in a prickly mood, not talking or even displaying any emotions on my face. The site of the multi coloured hair boy and his angry dogs were long gone but I still can't get over how much anger I felt towards them, even if he didn't look snobby and pettish he was still an affluent, full of himself man just like the others. I honestly don't understand why people adore and obsess over patricians and the higher classes, what's so good about them? It's not like they've benefited us in any ways, they only do things that benefit themselves.

Thomas was now helping me get the load of watermelons into the house, because my arms were still sore from earlier. I told him I was fine but even if he was now a miserable man, he still held onto his kindness. With the help of Thomas we successfully got all the watermelons into the house, I nearly dropped one but Thomas caught it luckily. I waved Thomas goodbye as he rode to his house, I pray that he has a safe trip, especially because the moon was nearly on full display and there was no torches to guide him home if it gets too dark.

"Katsuki dear, your finally home" Ma said while hugging me in her arms. "Ma you shouldn't be out of bed, you know that adding stress to yourself can make you more sick" I released from the hug, looking down at her with worry laced all over my face. She looked down with sadness. Mum knows her condition but she hates the rules, she tells me day and night about how she wishes it could go back to her earlier days and how much she 'hates those rich men and families' I'm sure if she had the strength she would have beaten up the royal family by now.

My mother's main wish is too become so rich that she could kick those wealthy families just like they did to us, but in her condition she could never achieve that goal.

So now I'll be the one to achieve it in her place.

So I'm making my Todobaku princexbutler oneshot into an official story because I liked it a lot and I saw a comment talking about how I should make it into a story, so I did. Anyways see you in the next chapter.

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