You're So Cheesy

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"Cheesy, I thought you would be better, but going so low as to abandon your show that I scheduled? Honestly, have a little more respect. You're banned from having shows in the entertainment room... for a MONTH." Oj says in a disappointed tone as he paces back and forth in front of us. He's acting way too much like a disappointed father figure right now.
"Heh, sorry Oj, won't happen again, I'm too... Gouda for that!" he says and knee slaps nervously next to me on the couch.
I seriously want to punch Oj in the face right now, and Cheesy can tell, which is why he has a death grip on my leg practically begging me to let it go. If I wasn't as whipped for Cheesy as I am now, (especially since I almost kissed him, ON THE LIPS, ON MY OWN) I probably would've had a pretty fair fight with Oj. I mean he's built about the same as me, but doesn't work out much, so I think I'd still win in the end.
Oj yawns, stretches, and turns toward the door to leave. "Have a good night you two, but just a reminder, I WILL make you stay in separate rooms if your relationship becomes a big enough problem to others.
"R-RELATIONSHIP???" I say nervously to Oj. Obviously we've already told each other our feelings a few minutes ago, but a relationship? With... Cheesy? Look, I've accepted I'm gay and found out that Cheesy likes me back in the same night, shouldn't that be enough for one day?
I guess not.
Salt walks in with Pepper holding her hand not too far behind her and stands right in the middle of us and Oj.
"Hey Oj, don't get super mad at me, but like since Cheesy fluked out on his super lame show tonight, I figured we could have a dance party! Sounds like, suuuuuuper fun right?" Salt says happily to him.
"Salt, Pepper, no. Go to bed. I'm tired of dealing with couples stressing me out tonight." Oj says as he puts his head in his hands.
"Oooooh so that's why Cheesy didn't go to his own show huh?" Pepper says in a snarky tone as she looks at me and raises her eyebrows.
"Well actually-" Cheesy says before Salt shuts him up. "We don't care what you or your boyfriend have to say Cheesy, just meet us there in like, 15 minutes or else." she says as she texts Pepper who's literally two inches away from her.
"Or else what?" I scoff at Salts stupid threat and they both get offended.
"Or I'll steal your suntanning chair for a week." Salt says to me.
"make that a month, Trophy." Pepper adds on.
"UGGGHHHHHHHHH FIIIINE WE'LL BE THERE!" I say as I let out a groan, but Oj still wants to protest against it.
"THIS IS NOT HAPPENING TONIGHT YOU TWO." Oj says to Salt and Pepper and crosses his arms. He sounds seriously pissed, but Salt and Pepper aren't giving two shits about what he thinks about all of this. It's kind of funny if I'm being honest.
"Oh yes it is! you know, now that Oj mentioned couples, do you think this should be like, a couples dance Pepper?"
"OH MY GOD YESSSSS!!!!" Pepper says to Salt as they hold hands and squeal together.
Gross. I really am starting to wonder why I thought I liked women in the first place.
"I already told you it's not happening STOP INSISTING-"
"You can ask Paper out to dance with you!~" Pepper says in the middle of an angry Oj rant.
He thinks it over for a couple of seconds, all of us staying silent waiting for his response. I'm seriously hoping a bribe like that wouldn't-
"Fine. Just don't screw it up." He finally says to them.

Nothing is going my way today, is it?

"YESSS!!!!" They both say in unison.
"I'm going to get started on decorations RIGHT NOW!" Salt says "WAIT FOR ME!" Pepper says back as they head to the entertainment room together.
"Change of plans, guess I really AM getting no sleep tonight thanks to Salt and Pepper." Oj says sounding exhausted.
"But didn't you agree to have it in the first place?" Cheesy says back to him.
"Only because they wouldn't back down no matter what I said."
"And because they mentioned Paper." I chime in with.
"I'm done with you guys." Oj says back sporting a heavy blush and walks out immediately after.
It's crazy how Oj and Paper are such good friends, they'd do anything together.... Wait....
"Is Oj.... A homo?"
"Yeah....? You didn't know that?"
"I mean, now that I'm looking at things from a gay perspective, I can see how they always want to be together..."
"You could say they're... Cheddar together!" He knee slaps with his free hand.
"Pfft, your jokes are always the corniest." I say and laugh a little. It goes silent for a few seconds and we both turn to look at each other at the same time. Probably out of eagerness to start another conversation. His hand is still on my leg and it's making me feel things again. Fuck. I just need to say ANYTHING to break this silence.
"So.... The weather huh?"
God damn it why am I like this.
"It's... Weathering.... Haha..." He replies back.
"I THINK WE SHOULD GO SOMEWHERE!" I say as I swiftly stand up from my spot from the couch.
"ME TOO HAAHHAHAHAHAHHA!" Cheesy replies. When it comes to feeling things about people, I guess we're both sort of inexperienced at it.
"I'll check to see if the others are going to the party!"
"Count me in!" Cheesy says back to me.
We walk the same direction but then I make a 180° and walk the opposite way because there's no way we are getting to everyone covering ground like that.
"See ya later Trophy!" He yells and his voice cracks a little.
"Yeah you too!" I say back to him as I open the sliding doors to the pool area.

and they were roommates! (oh my god they were roommates!)Where stories live. Discover now