cheesy doesn't know how to do a pushup

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It's a hot summer day, and I'm working out in my room that I have to share with Cheesy. Ever since we started sharing this dumb room he keeps bothering me. I'm doing my usual routine when Cheesy comes up to me.
"Hey Trophy! I just wanted to say that you look pretty buff and I was wondering if you could give me any tips to look as... SHREDDED as you one day!"
I hear him knee slap and I roll my eyes.
"Even if I did... Phew... Tell you my routine... Hng... I have a different build than you dude... Hah.. and totally different stamina.... Phew... Than you." I say as I do push ups with my weights.
"Awwwe c'mon man I wanna know the secret to getting so buff! He touches my arms, reminding me how annoying he is and his problem with not giving anybody any space at all."
"Will you quit it already? Just start with like, a pushup or something."
"Alrighty then"
That quickly? He's definitely not doing it right.
"Alright, do ten then"
"Alright 1....3..5....10 DONE!"
"what? There's no way you did that so quickly! Your form must be terrible dude!"
"I'm just copying yours!"
"Okay bet then" I say to him. I get up from my position on the ground and walk over to him. It's annoying I have to stop in the middle of my routine to help him be a little less dumber than the usual.
"Do a pushup" I tell him.
He does a pushup, well, his own version of push ups, his knees are on the ground, his elbows too, and he isn't even on his toes... I can't believe this dude...
"You aren't doing them right! I knew it! You made me stop in the middle of my workout for nothing!"
"Hey at least I tried! Can you at least give me a participation Trophy?" He does a knee slap and ends back up on the ground.
"Okay, first off, ditch the knees dumbass. You don't use knees when you're doing pushups that's just stupid."
He does and now his stomach is to the ground.
"Second, lift your stomach up, you have to be in a plank position."
He lifts it but he still has his elbows on the ground, we're getting there.
"Finally, you're gonna have to put your hands on the ground."
"I get why it's called a push up now! You're pushing up!"
"Yes! Exactly like that! Okay, now bend your arms and then come back right up!"
He does it!
"Haha alright! Congrats on the first pushup! I mean, not that I care because I don't give a shit and you ruined my morning because of it but congrats idiot!"
He does another one and he starts to sweat
"These are harder than you make them look!"
"Yeah I know! Cause I'm just so effortlessly good at them!"
"You're also effortlessly good at being a jerk all the time too!"
"Hey! I'm not a jerk, I'm a Jock!" I tell him with a little less anger than I intended.
"Well, I consider you to be a little bit of both! Sometimes like just now though, you're secretly a sweetheart! Like a sour patch kid! Sour on the outside sweet on the inside!"
"I AM NOT!!! I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST COMPARED ME TO A CANDY! This training sesh is over!"
"Same time tomorrow then?"
"Only if it's yours!"

and they were roommates! (oh my god they were roommates!)Where stories live. Discover now