Chapter 1

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People use to say that, 'Love happen only just once in a lifetime.'
For me, Yes, Love happens only once. Rest is a compromise.

Once you fall in love with someone, you started noticing and admiring even the smallest detail of that person. And it became a part of your life, you can't imagine yourself without that person.

Everything happening around the world makes you think about that special one. You feel him/her everywhere.
Your heart skips a beat and your stomach feel those butterflies only for that person.

I believe, if a couple is truly in love then, they can't be separated. When you're in love with someone your every sense feel that you can't live without him or her. It's an everlasting feeling.
As same as some people believe, 'LOVE IS THE STRONGEST DRUG EVER.'

If you fall in love for a second time. I'm sure that is your first true love.
The former was just something else but you called it Love.

My best friend Arisha told me once,
Love is a feeling, consist of loyalty, admiration, respect etc you carry for others, so it's not like you can only respect one person. You can lose gain respect for any person at any point in time. PEOPLE CHANGES so does their feelings.

Every person creates/hold a place in your life and one else can seize that. Everyone creates a new place in your life once they enter.
So if you loved someone, it's not mandatory that you can't love somebody in future.
Stop overthinking and start loving.

But I can't love anybody else except Him. I loved him and  I'll always love him.

Hey! I forgot to introduce myself.  I Am Simrah Khan.

And I believe, True Love happens only once.
But can true love happen twice?

"Simrah." I came out from my thoughts hearing the voice.
It's Aru. My best friend.

"What am I hearing? Are you out of your mind? Why are you going there?" She was constantly shooting me with her questions, not giving me a single chance to reply. 

She is super angry. And mad at me.

Seeing me serious she stopped. And calm down herself taking a few deep breaths.

"You sure? Are you going there?" She again asked 

"Yes! I'm." I gave her a short reply. And she sighed heavily.

"So you make your mind that you are going there. Why don't you send someone else?"

"Try to understand Aru. They asked for me. And Mom also wants me to go."

"Cause she doesn't know. If she does, I'm sure she won't let you go there."

"I know. And I'm not going to tell her that." I roll my eye's.

"I know you don't want to tell this thing to your Mom. But, I'm worried for you." She looked at me with concern.

"I don't want you to be near him. What if he again hurt  you?" She said holding me by my arms.

"I know it'll be very hard for you. 9 years back what happened, you had been buried in your heart very hardly. And you came out from that broken state very scarcely. I don't want you in that state, again."

"Don't worry! I'll  be okay." I assured her but she didn't convince with that.

"Do You want me to come along with you?" She asked and I shake my head in no.

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