"I'm hanging this up." Rosie announced as she smiled proudly, walking inside our home. I walked in after her,

"Please don't, it's already embarrassing enough."

"I find it cute." She said as she looked around, figuring out where to put it.

"Great to know your opinion, but I'm only talking about mine here." I said as I leaned over to try and take the paper from her, even though she had already read the whole thing. She quickly moved it away from me and clicked her tongue,

"Watch yourself there, y/l/n." I just sighed and sat down in our bed, waiting for this idiot to already pick a damn spot. There isn't much room anyway, so it shouldn't be that hard.

But the soon bright smile on her face told me she found the apparent 'perfect spot'.  I watched as she grabbed a spare nail we've had just laying around for some time and she pinned the page to the wall. She nodded her head and looked back at me,

"What do you think?" I was about to open my mouth, but she cut me off, "actually don't say anything because you're just going to give a smartass remark and I don't wanna hear it."

"You know me too well." I said with a sarcastic grin as she just rolled her eyes at me, turning her attention back to the paper. Her fingers then gently traced over it and her eyes moved across it, reading it again. The emotions that shone on her face made me change my mind. I know she hasn't been complimented a lot, so I'll let her keep it up without protest.

"You can keep it up, I won't say anything about it." I told her sincerely.

"I knew you would give in to me." Rosie said with a smirk.

"And we're back to where we started." I said with a sigh as she just laughed a little before joining me on our bed. Since I had my legs outstretched, she laid down sideways and rested her head in my lap comfortably. She looked up at me with the eyes I love most and smiled,

"Compliment me more." I broke out into a smile and she took her bottom lip in between her teeth, trying to hold back her smile.

"Alright, I'll give in. Now where to start..." I said, pretending to look off into the distance and really think, "how about your eyes since that's where past me started? I love how they look. The emotions that are visible in them are always changing, but that's what I love. The shade of brown changes with every light level, sometimes dark brown and other times a golden tint to them. Their shape is very attractive and I'm glad you only got eyes for me."

Rosie was looking me in the eyes the whole time, absorbing every word that I was saying. She lifted her hand up and put it on the nape of my neck, gently pulling my head down to give her a kiss. It was a short and sweet one, but that didn't make it any less important. When we pulled back, I continued,

"Another thing I love about you is your personality, surprisingly. Yes, you do get on my nerves still and I still get shocked at your stupidity sometimes, but that's enjoyable. The range of emotions you have makes me understand you more and I love every side of you, even the annoying ones. They make you and I love you. I love the jokester side, the stupid side, the serious side, the badass side, the funny side, the loving side, the list goes on and on."

"Awe, babe stop, I'm going to cry." She said up to me, fanning her eyes.

"How could I forget the emotional side?" I said while playfully rolling my eyes. She lightly slapped my shoulder and I just giggled as a tear slipped out of her eye. I reached down and softly wiped it away with my thumb. She turned her head to the side and pressed it up against my stomach as my hand automatically went to her hair, gently twirling a few strands with my fingers. I heard a few sniffles coming from her and just continued holding her close to me, bringing her comfort with my actions.

High Sea's Love (Rosé x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now