Chapter 1

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Tacoma, Washington
September, 2021

It was the first day of senior year. I walked up the stairs of my school and into class. Since my mom had a hard time getting through the regular urban traffic in Tacoma, I didn't have time to hang out with my friends before school. I walked into my first class a minute before the bell rang and saw my friend Chris at the other end of the room. He was by the windows. I sat behind him.

"Man, having window seats upstairs makes me feel like some anime protagonist, you feel me?" he asked.

"Yeah, you're right, it does... having a window seat is always nice, but upstairs? This is awesome!" I replied to him. Eventually class started. Our teacher introduced herself and went through her regular long and boring first day of school lecture - detailing the rules and regulations of the school and classroom. This was biology class. I looked around to see if I had any other friends in this class. Since I live in an urban area, our school is big and there are constantly people joining and just as many people leaving. Therefore I didn't recognize half the kids in this class.

While scanning around the room, I met eyes with a new girl. She was incredibly gorgeous. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing dark red lipstick and a jean jacket. We only met eyes for a moment before the teacher started taking attendance. When she called my name, I raised my hand and said "here". A few names down the line, I heard the teacher call out someone named Vanessa. And the girl I met eyes with raised her hand.

"I go by Vanny," she said. I thought that nickname was interesting. It was one I had never heard before. When the teacher was finished taking attendance, she continued;

"Now, I know it's unusual to give out homework on the first day. But this is something that should be pretty easy. We present these on Thursday, so you have two days," I looked at the paper being passed back to me from Chris. There were lines and shapes connecting together and the title was "My Family Tree". I had to describe my parents, grandparents, possible pets, and possible siblings in one sentence each, "so you're gonna print pictures of your family members and tape them to the circles. If you can't print pictures at home, you can use the library printers here," Everyone started talking to their friends as the teacher sat back and let us do our thing.

"Heh, gotta talk about your grandparents," Chris said, "is that a sensitive subject for you?" He was referring to the fact that my grandfather was the infamous Freddy Fazbear Pizza serial killer.

"No, not really. I barely know anything about it. My mom tried to block me from finding out about it. I don't think I could even find a picture of him if I wanted to. But to be honest, I don't feel like including him in this,"

"It's probably in some database somewhere next to Ted Bundy and the Green River Killer. Man what is with Tacoma and serial killers? So many of them lived or grew up around here,"

"I don't know, but I'll become the next one and kill you if you don't give me one of those Sour Patch Kids," I joked (sort of). I asked for a hall pass to go to the library. Vanny coincidentally asked right after me. I heard her ask right as I left the room and could sense her following behind me as I made my way down the hall and to the library. That's when Vanny said something to me;

"Hey you, do you know where the library is?" she asked. I was slightly flustered.

"Uh, yeah it's right down this hallway,"

"Oh okay, well I'll just follow you. Really crazy having assignments on the first day, right?"

"Yeah! I was thinking that myself. I've never had that happen before,"

"Me neither. My old school would have never done this," I didn't know what to say at that point. It was quite awkward for a moment but the librarian greeting us broke the awkward silence. We both went to the computer desks and started browsing. I started uploading pictures of my family members to Google Drive on my phone and then printed them out on the computer. The only family member I didn't have a picture of was William Afton - the serial killer. I saw Vanny's screen on a Wikipedia article with some old guy in a military uniform.

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