"Why do you always have to jump to that conclusion Rikki? No I didn't. When I aged out I asked Amy and she told me." He said.

After a while I pulled away and took his hand in mine. Emmett picked up both of our bags and followed me inside. Both of my moms are at work and won't be home till late. Emmett followed me all the way to my room.

He looked around while I closed the door behind us. He looked around at my photo's while I pulled my hair up in a messy bun. When he was done he sat on my bed.

"What are you doing here Emmett?" I asked. He looked at one of my photos before turning around.

"I aged out. Amy told me I didn't have to leave but I did. It was time I got out of the house and started doing my own thing." Emmett said.

"You never got adopted?" I asked.

"I probably should have listened to Amy." Was all he said before going back to looking around.

This Emmett is definitely different from the old one. Emmett used to take pride in his shaggy hair that covered his brown eyes. Now he has a crew cut with a little bit more on top. Before he used to be a scrawny little boy, now he is a well sculpted man. Old Emmett couldn't sit still for more than five minutes at a time and was always loud. Now he seems very calm.

Emmett stopped looking and sat down next to me. He picked up my hand and started playing with my fingers. An old habit of his he always did when he was nervous.

"I have been sleeping on the streets and in shelters for the past couple of months waiting for time to pass. Since I already said goodbye to Amy there was only one other person left for me to see." He asked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"In a week I have to report to Parris Island North Carolina for basic training." Emmett said.

"You are going into the army?" I asked in disbelief.

The Emmett I knew would never, ever think about joining the army. He hated authority figures.

"It's the Marines Rikki." He said. I don't really know much about the military except the little bit of the Navy Uncle Trenton told me about.

"Why?" I asked.

"So I can finally say I have a real family." He said.

When I got adopted I know it hurt Emmett. Even though he didn't say it, I know it hurt. He always told me I would be his little sister no matter what happened. So I was a little shocked by his answer. But after hearing him talk about it some more I understood why.

My moms came home later that night and were shocked to see Emmett. I simply told them that my brother needed a place to crash for a few days. At first they thought we really were related because we do look alike but I told them that he is my foster brother.

When it came time for Emmett to leave I didn't want him to go. The whole week we bonded, this time more than before. This new more mature Emmett was someone I was so proud to know and get to call my brother. He grew up so much in the past few years I just wish I got to be there to watch him do it. I went with him to North Carolina to see him off. It was so hard to let go of him again after I just got him back.

After a goodbye full of tears Emmett got on a plane with his fellow recruits while I hopped a plane back to Dalton. Moms didn't like the fact that a 15 year old me was going to fly by herself but I refused to let one of them come. That was just Emmett and I's time.

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