Chapter Twenty-Two: Heroes and Halfway-Happy Endings

Start from the beginning

"No," Argent argued. "No, he wouldn't do that. If Jackson's a dog, he's turning rabid, and my father wouldn't let a rabid dog live."

"Of course not!" Gerard entered the warehouse. "Anything that dangerous, that out of control, is better off dead."

Derek went to plunge his claws into Jackson, to kill him; but Jackson got there first, throwing Derek across the warehouse with a resounding screech.

"Well done to the last, Scott," smirked Gerard. "Like the concerned friend you are, you brought Jackson to Derek to save him. You just didn't realize that you were also bringing Derek to me."

Scott heard the arrow, and ducked; it missed him, and went into Isaac's shoulder. "Isaac!" he cried, before whipping around. "Allison?" he looked around for her, before rushing over to Isaac and helping the fallen werewolf stand up.

"Are you okay?"

"Not exactly," panted Isaac.

"I figured," Scott nodded. "This is going to hurt." He pulled the arrow out, so Isaac could heal, and then they rushed off to the side.

Argent began firing off rounds into the kanima; then the kanima grabbed his gun with its tail and jerked it out of Argent's grip.

The werewolves brandished their claws and rushed into the fray, eyes blazing yellow or red. The kanima threw Isaac against wooden boarding, causing him to then fall to the ground, before the kanima turned to a new target: Derek. After the kanima had knocked Derek, too, to the ground, Scott kicked it in the back, hoping to knock it down.

That only succeeded in turning the kanima's attention to Scott, who was then thrown up against the thick metal bars holding the building up. He fell to the ground, too.

Noticing that not only Derek was down, but also Scott, Isaac got up to go and help them in the fight, but Allison stabbed him with her Chinese ring daggers, yanking them out in time to stab him in the sides.

Isaac fell to the ground all over again, and Allison twirled her ring daggers and headed for Derek. Scott got to his feet, looking at Isaac worriedly, and shouted, "ALLISON!"

Before Scott could get to her, the kanima did, wrapping its hand around her neck. "Not yet, sweetheart," Gerard called to her jovially.

"What are you doing?" Allison asked him.

"He's doing what he came here to do," Scott said.

"Then you know," Gerard looked mildly surprised.

"What is he talking about?" asked Allison, as Gerard looked around.

"It was that night outside the hospital, wasn't it, when I threatened your mother," he remembered. "I knew I saw something in your eyes - you could smell it, couldn't you?"

"He's dying," Isaac managed from the ground.

"I am," confirmed Gerard. "I have been for awhile now. Unfortunately, science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet. But the supernatural does." He looked at Derek, glaring at him from the ground.

"You monster," growled Argent.

"Not yet," Gerard smirked at his son.

"What are you doing?" cried Allison.

"You'd kill her, too?" demanded Argent.

"When it comes to survival?" Gerard looked at Argent cruelly. "I'd kill my own son." He looked over to Scott. "Scott?"

Scott de-transformed with a sigh, and walked over to Derek's body, grabbing him by the back of the neck and pulling him up.

"Scott - Scott, don't!" protested Derek. "You know he's gonna kill me right after! He's gonna be an alpha!"

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