Left Out (Angst-Fluff)

862 21 15

Request by: WaterKittytheShipper

Cream (Dream x Cross)
Dustberry (Dust x Blueberry)
(I go to a small country school, this is based off of things there/ on things I've heard about schools in bigger cities so things may work differently then they work in yours.)

Ink sat on the bench at the bus stop, he was currently racking his non-existent brain for something he may have forgotten to take, knowing he didn't have the best memory. Honestly he was surprised he even remembered he don't have good memory. He chuckled before noticing the bus barreling towards the bus stop.

He made his way on the bus and found a seat across from Blue and Dream who were currently talking away without even noticing him get on. It seemed that ever since Blue got together with Dust and Dream started dating Cross that the trio were slowly drifting apart. Ink was totally supportive of both of their relationships and them both having boyfriend's, heck he was even gay. Though all they did any more was talk about their boyfriend's and future dates they wanted to go out to, and quite frankly he kinda felt left out. He missed the random topic's they talked about and how a topic could sometimes carry onto an hours long laugh filled discussion. Ink hadn't even realized he was on the verge of crying untill he felt a tear go down his face. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down, he shouldn't be sad he should be happy for them. He had considered telling them how he felt but he never did it because he was worried he'd ruin their relationships, so he never did.

Ink was startled when his head slammed into the seat in front of him as the diver stopped suddenly in the bus parking lot, leaving Ink to finally look out his window and realize where he was. Everyone stood from their seats to get off the bus and head to homeroom. Ink walked up all the stairs to the highschool building doors and headed off to his locker to grab his stuff for his first period class.
Ink was lying in bed staring up at his colorfully painted ceiling, he knew he should be asleep right now but he didn't feel tired enough to sleep. This had been happening for a month now some days he just couldn't sleep, and then some days he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillows, this was yet another one of those nights. He sighed as he heard his phone ring, he picked it up and saw Errors contact he answered quickly needing something to do.

"Hey Ink, sorry if I woke you up." He said in a husky tired voice, he no doubt had just woken up. Ink blushed a rainbow hue. "Oh your fine Error I couldn't sleep anyway." Error paused on the other end of the phone.

"... Ink it's 1 am why are you not asleep?" Error sounded genuinely worried; which was rare to hear from a skeleton like Error, he was always one not to show what he was truly feeling, but when he knew something was up he dropped that and made it clear he cared, it was one of the many things he liked about Error.

Ink didn't respond he didn't want to lie to Error but he surely didn't want to talk about this, so he was trying to find a way to change the topic, finally he got an idea. "I could say the same to you." Ink said confident this was the perfect answer since Error never talked about this kind of stuff, or about himself much.

Error sighed and said, "You've seemed off at school for awhile, and you seem more tired then usual, are you okay?"

Ink knew there was no avoiding the question any longer and gave in, "I'll tell you tomorrow,.. night Error!" Ink said, trying to sound a little more happy while he said good bye.

"Wai-!" Error said before Ink hung up. Tomorrows going to be fun, Ink thought sarcastically.

Ink tiredly got off the bus the next day heading to the already open expecting doors, only to be sharply pulled to the side of the school building. Ink, surprised, weakly struggled to get away from the unknown being who grabbed him, his struggling came to a stop at the sound of a familiar voice.

"Calm down Ink it's just me." Ink turned to see Error still holding his arm, from which he had tugged. Error looked mad off for a few moments before he noticed the dark circles under his eye sockets, his once angered face turned to one of concern.

"Ink are you okay?" Ink knew he had to tell Error why he was awake that late now; there was no way he could tug his arm away and run, he was far too tired. Ink looked down to his feet as he spoke.

"No, I'm not okay." Getting that off his chest and finally telling someone felt so good. He looked up from his shoe's and at Error right in his eyes sockets, his eye lights read that of concern, an emotion Error seemed to be making a lot as of lately.

"It just seems like Blue and Dream care more about their relationships more than me. I know it sounds selfish a-and." Ink was back to looking at his feet again not being able to look Error in the sockets anymore, he started sobbing uncontrollably while Error hugged him trying to make him feel better, while trying not to think of how he was within physical contact with someone.

Ink was now calm and was sitting on the grass with Error next to him, class had long since started though both had wordlessly agreed to skip a couple classes or the entire day. Both Error and Ink were talking about how Ink felt, his mental health, and about Blue and Dreams relationships, after they were done with that subject, Error decided- well more so demanded that he would stay at Inks house for a few days to make sure he actually slept. With there only being a few hours left of school Error and Ink decided to skip for the day, they hopped in Error's car then, drove to Error's house to grab some clothes for him.

Error has been staying over at Inks house now for a couple of days now they were growing closer and now Ink's crush has turned to love, he had no doubt about it now he loved him with all his being, he was nice, loyal, and caring when he let himself be. Ink was sitting on the couch watching TV with Error at the moment they were watching a romcom, Error was already invested in the movie; never moving his eyes for the screen too long. Ink yawned suddenly making Error look to Ink with a smirk then said,

"Welp time for bed." Ink wined saying he wasn't tired which only made Error laugh. Ink was not at all tired he'd rather stay up and watch TV with Error. Ink moved to the farthest chair away from Error to prove his point of not going to bed. Error only stood up quickly from his seat on the couch to to grab Ink bridal style before he ran away from him like he had a few days ago. Error's long since became used to touching Ink, as he's been living with him for a few days, and Ink is very big on hugging him.

"Heh not so fast Inky, you need to sleep." Ink blushed stunned for a moment before he started whining and struggling from his grip. Error finally made it to Ink's room where he locked his bedroom door to keep him from escaping, then sat him on the bed, Ink responded with a huff before only staring at Error for about 5 minutes straight.

Error sighed before saying,"Okay I guess we're doing this the hard way.." Ink looked at Error confused until he felt Error's strings around him, Ink was stunned in surprise untill he realized what the other was doing.

"Let me go Error, I'm not tired!" Ink complained. Error's only response was to lay Ink comfortably on his bed and spoon him, once he was comfortable and had a firm hold on Ink only then did he dismiss his strings. Ink was blushing mad; he was an entire rainbow, to the point where you could probably see it from space.

"E-Error!?" Ink stuttered. Blushing even more if that was even possible.

"If you're uncomfortable with me doing this just tell me..okay?" Error sounded nervous and worried, he had liked Ink for, well forever now, he honestly just done this without even thinking how Ink would feel about it, and quite frankly he was as surprised as Ink was.

After Ink calmed down Ink responded with a smile,"Yeah, I kinda like this." Error was relieved to hear that and eased his grip on Ink, Ink in response to this turned to face Error and cuddled his chest.

1516 Words

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