"But I-" I leaned forward and gently pressed my lips against hers to silence her once more.

As I broke away, she stared at me with big eyes, ready to listen to whatever else I had to say.

"You need to heal and some things are better left to do on your own, I don't want you to worry about me, I've only recently found out all this that's been happening to you and how you've been really feeling and I'm not ready to handle that, I've been doing more more damage than good," I said, looking into her eyes.

She studied me for a moment, trying to think about what she wanted to say, she had been doing that a lot recently, maybe because it was something her therapist that discussed with her in one of her sessions.

"We've been together basically our entire lives, what am I supposed to do without you?" She asked, a slight shake in her voice that caused a crack in my heart.

"Grow and get better for me, don't think of it as we are ending everything once and for all. Think of it as time for us to grow so that we both can come back to each other with new growth," I smiled.

I looked into her eyes and noticed as they began to well up with tears as they silently began to slide down her beautiful face.

"So this isn't a no but a not right now?" She asked as her hands began to slightly shake.

"Pretty much, do you hate me for it?" I slightly smiled, grabbing for her hands.

"No I don't hate you, what if you don't want me anymore?" She asked quietly, nearly whispering.

"That's not possible, no matter how far away we are from each other I will always want you, I'll always want to talk to you, see you, hear you and hold you but...the timing just isn't right," I looked away from her and looked out over the view of the Ferris wheel, it was almost as if time stopped while we were up in the sky.

"I understand, I just don't want to lose you," She sat next to me and rested her head against my shoulder, listening to the sounds of the Ferris wheel descending.

It was a sad time because this meant that Lia and I wouldn't be together but that didn't mean it would always be like that. If we were meant to be together then eventually we would find each other again once more.

*Flashback Over*

"In my opinion I don't think either of you are ready for a serious relationship, especially Lia. She has a bit of healing she needs to do within herself but that doesn't mean you two should stop being friends," My mother said as we both headed downstairs.

"I know, I just wonder if she's going to push me away. Like she normally does," I said lowly to myself as we reached the bottom of the stairs where my dad stood in there living room where he stood in the middle of the room and smiled at both my mother and I.

"There's my two beautiful girls," He said as he walked over to give my mother a tight squeeze and a hug and then planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Someone's graduating today, you've done such a wonderful job at school I'm so proud of you," He walked over to me and hugged me tight, pulling me into his arms.

"Thank you Daddy," I smiled and hugged him back, feeling the comfort of his body against mine.

"Alright come on you can't miss your own ceremony, besides you have to get there early anyway for rehearsal," He said as we broke away and he pushed us towards the car so we could hurry inside and take off towards my school.


We pulled up to my school and I hurriedly raced inside to see everyone in my graduating class, everyone in their formal attire and school colors, excitedly talking with each other, some of them crying and others to themselves just waiting to graduate.

Sleeping with my Best Friend? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now