Take me if you need me.

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I need you because you let me breathe
Well you've taken me away
But never take me lightly
Or I could never stay
No I could never stay
Stevie Nicks: Sleeping Angel

She looked in the back seat to see what was up, and noticed the fabric sticking out a little. You noticed her eyes widen just the slightest bit and then her face went back to normal. She turned forward again and you cleared your throat to clear the tension. "Uh, thank you Ms. Sherman, for ever- giving me a ride home and everything." You stuttered nervously, knowing that you had been caught going through her stuff. She looked at you intensely for a few seconds before replying "No problem." You looked at your shoes, while she backed her car out of the parking spot.

Why is she acting so weird? Was that my sweatshirt in her bag? No, it was just the same color, I mean, how would she even get her hands on my sweatshirt if it was gone before I had even met her? You were taken out of your thoughts when you felt a hand on your thigh. You looked up at her and she met your eyes as she smiled softly, you felt your face heat up again. Only she can make you feel like this.

She occasionally would squeeze your thigh or rub her hand back and forth, like she was trying to distract you. You had told her where to go to get to you house, but as she was nearing it, she took her hand off your thigh. Please, I need your touch. You missed the feeling of her hand. Wait, what are you doing? She had passed by your house.

"Um, Ms. Sherman, you...you missed my house"
"Oh sweetheart, no I didn't"
"But it's-"
That's when you felt a prick on your neck. You looked at her in shock as you saw she had a syringe in her hand. You tried to speak out to her, to say something, anything, but the effects of whatever she put inside of you happened too quickly. She didn't want to have to take you so soon, she wanted to be your teacher for longer, to get to know you better, to love her more, but you had found what she was hiding. Your sweatshirt. She had to take you now before you left her for good.

"That's it baby, go to sleep, Mommy's here..."

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