The date

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Earth 1
Jesse: hey, what are you doing
Barry: oh, I'm still working on the MAC
Jesse: you should take a break
Barry: maybe, but changing the topic, you already know how to throw a lightning
Jesse: yes, I know how to throw a lightning a few days ago, and don't change the topic, you need to take a break, I'm sure that dad will take care of this
Barry: ok, but what are we going to do?
Jesse: what about if we stop crimes and then we could visit another earth
Barry: what about the speedster and what was his name
Jesse: forget about it, I already defeated him
Barry: How could you defeat him if it's only been a week
Jesse: Barry it's been a month
Barry: a month!!?
Jesse(laughing): yes
Barry: I've been working on the MAC for one month and you didn't told me
Jesse: you looked so concentrated and I didn't wanted to interrupt you, so now we can go
Barry: with a simple 'hey, you've been working for a month' you would already convinced me to go out

Time lapse
- After stoping criminals-
Barry(laughing): who says that, 'stop or I will kill you' to the Flash
Jesse(laughing): or when one criminal told you, 'move and you will be dead'
-Barry and Jesse were imitating the criminals they faced while they were laughing-
Jesse: I'm sure that they were new in the city
Jesse: you see, this is more funny than working on the MAC
Barry: Yeah, it is, oh you forgot to tell the speedster name
Jesse: oh yes, his name was Quick Mind
Barry: good name
Jesse: yes, We name him like that because he had very good reflexes and it was like he was reading my mind
Barry: I see
Jesse: do you want to come to my earth
Barry: yeah
-Jesse stop walking, which made Barry look at her and she gave him a look that said 'what are you waiting'-
Barry: oh, you mean right now
Jesse: yes
Barry: ok, but first we need to tell your Dad
Jesse: I'm sure he will say yes

Star Labs

Harry: No
Jesse: why it's our earth
Harry: but what about this earth
Barry: this earth has been save of meta-humans
Harry: exactly, that means that now is the perfect time to attack
Jesse: dad
-Harry sigh-
Harry: ok, three hours
Jesse: three!!!!!, but that's a very short time
Harry: it's like days for both of you
Barry: good point
Jesse: you are not helping Barry
Barry: Harry if someone attack we will be here
Harry: how?
Barry: well I could create a communication device between earth 1 and earth 2
Harry: fine, but now you don't have the devi-
-Barry use his speed to create the device-
Barry: finished
Jesse(smiling): I guess we could leave now
Harry: yes
Jesse: let's go
-Just when Barry and Jesse were about to leave Barry said-
Barry: oh, Harry don't try to fool us, because the device has a meta-human radar
Harry(a little upset): ok, Allen

Earth 2
Jesse: welcome to my earth
Barry: well, it's not the first time I'm here
Jesse: yes, but you didn't explored it at all
Barry: ok, so where are we going to go
Jesse: do you want to come to National City, I heard there is a new superhero
-When Barry heard 'National City' his smile fell a little, but when he heard ' a new superhero' he thought that It could be anyone-
Barry: really
Jesse: yes, she is new
-Barry was analyzing every word Jesse said to see if the new hero is supergirl of earth 2-
Barry: oh, and what's her name
Jesse: Is powergirl
-Barry felt relieved that it was not supergirl-
Jesse: she is very good doing her work
Barry: I bet that you are better
Jesse: I have a good teacher, but she have many powers
-Every word from Jesse makes Barry fear more and more that this powergirl was Kara's doppelgänger-
Barry(nervous): really
Jesse: yes, let's go there
Barry(nervous): ok

National City

-Barry and Jesse put on their suits, and went to see powergirl-
Barry: so where is she?
Jesse: I don't know, maybe she is busy doing her normal life
Barry(joked): I'm sure that the people like us don't have normal life
-Jesse chuckled and then Powergirl appeared-
Powergirl: who are you!!
-At that moment Barry looked at Powergirl and his fear was true-
Barry: Kar-, emm, Powergirl
Powergirl: I said, who are you!
-At that moment Powergirl's eyes turned red-
Barry: wait!, we are superheros
-Powergirl was scanning them, to see if she recognized them-
Powergirl: I didn't heard about you
-Powergirl shot-
Barry: I could say the same
-Barry shot back-
Powergirl(smiling): I like you, can we go to a place more private
Jesse/Barry: ok

Powergirl's base

Barry: so this is we're you work
Powergirl: yep
Jesse: you work alone?
Powergirl: yes
Jesse: why?
Powergirl: I don't trust in normal people
Barry: even your friends?
Powergirl: Yes, I'm afraid  that they would never accept me as I am
Barry: that's ok
-Jesse and Powergirl were seeing at Barry weird-
Barry(rambling): I mean it's not okay that they will never accept you, not that they wouldn't accept
-Powergirl chuckled-
Barry: what I'm trying to say it's that is the best if you tell them now then after
-Powergirl nodded-

-1 hour later-
Barry: well, that was interesting
Jesse: yes, you should invite her
Barry: what do you mean
Jesse: I mean you should invite her to a date
Barry(blushed): what!
Jesse: I saw the way she looked at you
Barry(blushed): what look
Jesse: the look that you have for her
Jesse: come on, you have to do it
Barry: isn't it weird that I live in a different universe
Jesse: isn't it weird that we are friends
Barry: I don't know
Jesse: c'mon, you have to do it
Barry: ok, I will do it
- Jesse looked at Barry-
Barry: oh you mean right now
Jesse: yeah
Barry: ok

With Powergirl

Powergirl: hey, what brings you here again
Barry(nervous): well, I wanted to ask you something
Powergirl: really
Barry: yeah, it's, if would you like to go on a date with me
Powergirl(excited): you mean like date, date
Barry(nervous): yeah, but if you don't want to go it's okay with me, not that I like that idea, not that If you don't say yes I will no visiting you
Powergirl: yes
Barry: really
Powergirl: yes
-Powergirl extend her hand-
Powergirl: Karen starr
-Barry shakes Karen's hand-
Barry: Barry Allen

Hey, yes, I finally update, after too long I updated, I want to say that I'm sorry for not update, I will try to continue updating when I am free, enjoy the chapter, if you have any ideas or question about the chapter, leave a comment and I will explain you or I will answer you
Be careful, have a good day, night, afternoon or whatever the time it is on your country
Bye : )

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