I mock before I turn my back to them. Good thing they stopped after that! Ghad I just want to join Shinichiro's group. 

I smiled when I saw them standing all together. They were now holding beers in cans while waiting and smiling at me. 

"That's a lot of admirers for Elenilla." Shinichiro stated this while grinning. 

I rolled my eyes out of disbelief. 

"Oh please, they just want to fuck me, lil boys small dick energy screaming." I muttered, making them laugh and almost choke their beer. 

"Savage." Benkai comments with an amused expression. 

"Who does even want a small dick? " Takeomi remarked, still bursting with laughter.

Wakasa, on the other hand, just stares at me with droopy eyes and amusing expression.

Shin just shook his head before giving me a drink. Now that I notice it, they're topless and just waring their sexy cargo pants. 

It is hot. It is indeed hot. 

I bite my lips and wear my glasses to cover how malicious I look at their abs. I'm such a sucker for good and neat bodies. 

I sat and started to close my eyes as the hot breeze blew. 

"Nice tats." 

I gazed beside me and found Wakasa, who was chewing a lollipop in his mouth. I traced his complexion. 

"I know right, those painful needles that stung my body are worth it after all." 

Smiling widely, I pulled myself up to sit, but before I could stand up, Waka  lean towards me. 

"You look gorgeous." I feel my face heating up with his sudden compliment. 

"Well, thank you. You look hot." I uttered and flattened my back before standing up. 

It would be a waste if I didn't take a dive.

Removing my under scarf and exposing my tats proudly, I made my way to the shore. 

Staring at the broad, vast blue sea makes me wonder what the hell those three are doing? 

There I saw Benkei, who's riding a unicorn inflatable floater, and on his back is Takeomi, who's pushing the floater while Shinichiro is holding Takeomi's shoulder while floating. 

What the fuck?

Until a damn big wave devoured those three, making them drown a bit.

"Fuck Shin! Let me go, we'll drown!" 

Takeomi said he was trying to swim away from Shinichiro, who was clinging to him firmly, and as for Benkei, he was being carried away by the wave yet still laying peacefully on his unicorn floater.

What the fuck? 

I shrugged and laughed before I dove into the sea, until I reached the deep part. 

This is nice. 

I look around at the nice view of the beach, but my eyes specifically focus on one man. He stands out too much even in this crowded place. 

Brushing his wet, messy hair that suited him more, while laughing with his gang, was such an apple to my eye. 

Until a child suddenly approaches him. 

'Who's that?' I swim a bit to hear them. 

"What is it, child? Are you lost? It's dangerous here." 

Shinichiro gently said after he carried the little boy. 

"Help, help brother, I lost my mama uwaaa!" 

The child weeps loudly. Shinichiro, on the other hand, sways the child a bit and tries to calm him down. 

"All right, all right, we will find your mama, ha? Don't cry, you'll make your mom worry, hmmn." 

Smiling at the child brightly makes the child calm down a bit. 

They got out of the water and Shinichiro started to look for the mother's child. 

"Oh god, Alcus! Oh my God baby! " 

A beautiful woman suddenly rushes to Shinichiro and grabs the child in his arms. 

"Mama!! You lost me uwaa!" The child embraced the woman and sobbed on her shoulder. 

"Mister, help me find you on the sea mama *hik*"

The child explains while he hiccups. Aww, poor baby. 

"Thank you so much, sir!" The lady bows many times before she leaves, as Shinichiro just humbly smiles and nods to her. 

He turned around and our gazes met, I shrank to the sea and began to swim away without thinking.

'Did he notice me watching him?'

I can feel my heart beating so fast as with nervous that I accidentally breathe under the water, making me drown a bit. 


I cursed after coughing immensely. Calming myself, I swam back to the shore. 

What the heck is Elenilla? What's with that act? What's up with hiding under the water and chocking afterwards?! 

I walk faster, not minding everyone around me until I bump into someone. 

"I'm sorry-" 

"What's with the rush Elenilla?"

I looked up and saw Shinichiro's broad figure after me. I close my eyes a bit before I look back at him. I can feel my face heating up. 

"I want to drink water." 

Yeah, what a witless retort. 

"Hmmn?" he hummed and smiled before leaning over to me. 

"Really? So the sea is not enough to satisfy your thirst, ha? "

He mockingly jests, I can feel my checks burning up more, not just because of the heat but because of this shitard.

I pushed him and rolled my eyes. 

"Are you dumb? How could sea water satisfy my thirst? That salt water... "

With a daggering look, I push him to make my way to the hammock, that's now empty. 

I sat and started looking for a drinkable water before I saw Shinichiro smiling at me. I blew my checks before smiling at him too. 

This would be dangerous. My heart is so happy right now.


Fourth y'all (~ ̄³ ̄)~

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